Can I use shipping containers as storage space?
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Hi guys,
I have an idea of using shipping containers as storage units. My friends and I have some shipping containers with us. Some of them are old, but the majority of the shipping containers are good, and others are manageable. I have seen shipping container storage spaces. We need two more shipping containers to continue with our plan
Now all I need is to find a company which sells shipping containers. I have researched a lot and found some companies. Among them, my friend suggested one company which sells shipping containers. I think it would be nice to gather some more information and suggestions from others. I found this forum to be a better place to find out more about storage spaces and container-related queries.
There are two types of self storage units. Indoor Storage units and out door storage units. The outdoor storage units are actually shipping containers with management, security and other required SOPs.I share knowledge about Self storage solutions
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FernandoCourts said:Hi guys,I have an idea of using shipping containers as storage units. My friends and I have some shipping containers with us. Some of them are old, but the majority of the shipping containers are good, and others are manageable. I have seen shipping container storage spaces. We need two more shipping containers to continue with our planNow all I need is to find a company which sells shipping containers. I have researched a lot and found some companies. Among them, my friend suggested one company which sells shipping containers. I think it would be nice to gather some more information and suggestions from others. I found this forum to be a better place to find out more about storage spaces and container-related queries.Adam Kangas1
Hey! You can start an external storage unit. But the further running of the establishment will totally depend upon the management methods and security measures you adopt for the space. All the best finding the rest of the containers. I hope it comes out well.2
Yes you can use external storage as the old containers. It was a great idea you can proceed with it.1
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