How do I increase a tenant's monthly insurance premium? Just discovered we charged the wrong amount

We recently discovered that the rates we had in Sitelink for insurance were outdated.  How do we increase the rate for current insurance customers in Sitelink?


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  • JulieAton
    JulieAton Registered User ✭✭✭
    On the payment screen click on the Umbrella- Insurance. Bottom right of the screen. 

  • sdooley56
    sdooley56 Registered User
    Thanks JulieAton for your response.  I tried this but it didn't let me change the monthly amount.  The tenant is currently paid in full so I couldn't change the current amount either.  I'm thinking this way only allows you to change the current month's charges?  I am trying to find out how to change their monthly insurance rate.
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    To change insurance rates go to Setup: Insurance and Protection Plans.  Choose your carrier and change the rates.

    But you can't change the rates on existing policies (logically, they have a contract for the old rates).  The only thing you could do is cancel the policy and then add a new one.  There is no way to just change the charges on a policy already in effect.


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