Waiting List on Managment Report
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What does Waiting List mean on the Management Summary Report and how do I find who is waiting?
The waiting list shows you how many people are reserved in Inquiries and Reservations, That page can be found on your Operations screen, right side. It's not really a waiting list like you're thinking, they are actual reservations. The number you see in your report should coincide with the number in your inquiries and reservations screen.0
sonyawiprud said:The waiting list shows you how many people are reserved in Inquiries and Reservations, That page can be found on your Operations screen, right side. It's not really a waiting list like you're thinking, they are actual reservations. The number you see in your report should coincide with the number in your inquiries and reservations screen.
Great answer @sonyawiprud, you know your stuff1 -
That would make sense but we have not open inquires or reservations and it still says there are 2 waitlisted. Don't know where to find them0
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