Merging vacant units
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Is there a way to merge vacant units together? For instance, I have two 10x10 units that I want to make a 10x20 for a customer. I want one of the units to be the primary unit number and the other to become unavailable in the system.
@storforever, here's a solution:In the company / modify units screen, click on the edit button for one unit and make it a 10 X 20.
Then make the other unit a 0 X 0 using the edit button again. In the edit screen, you can also make the second unit unrentable. This unit needs to be vacant in order to set it to be unrentable.
Hope this helps!3 -
In the company / modify units screen, click on the edit button for one unit and make it a 10 X 20 & delete the unwanted unit from the system. This will keep your unit count correct.4
Good advice!0
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