A website’s job is to give the customer what they are looking for. When switched to a customer first approach, 2-3 times more leads is a very realistic goal.
Your website needs to answer 3 questions:
1. Do You Have a Location Near Me?
2. How Much Does it Cost, or, How Much is it Worth?
3. Why Should I Choose You vs. The Guy Down The Street?
Unfortunately, many self-storage websites do not answer these questions and customers leave frustrated. Most sites are made with only the business in mind and not designed for the customer. Decorate it however you’d like, but the core website has to serve the user. You’ll fail if you try to force the customer to think the way you do.
Before designing your next website you need to decide what it’s for. Is it a marketing tool engineered to gain more customers? Or is it an online version of a brochure for you to talk about yourself?
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Kevin Romo-Leon
Marketing Communications Director
"How Storage Customers Think About Things"
Marketing Communications Director
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