Making Lead to Lease more user friendly/interactive
Registered User ✭
From time to time, we run a waiting list at our facility and it would be nice to be able to "flag" a customer or change them from the green color for a "lead" to maybe another color for being on the "waiting list" or designate other colors depending on the urgency for the customer.
The way we are currently running our waiting list is putting in the comments "On waiting list for 'x size'" and then we have to sort the comments in order to find people who are waiting for our call and even still, if we don't have them set up to expire in a few months, that could create another issue.
Am I using this wrong?
The way we are currently running our waiting list is putting in the comments "On waiting list for 'x size'" and then we have to sort the comments in order to find people who are waiting for our call and even still, if we don't have them set up to expire in a few months, that could create another issue.
Am I using this wrong?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭This is something a lot of us have asked for and I believe the internal techs have considered for future updates. Something along the lines of instead of picking a specific unit for someone to be waiting on you could pick a specific size so if any of them come available it would prompt you to notify the person waiting.5
@SimplySpace have you tried the myHub interface? It's very user-friendly especially in Lead to Lease. You can choose a specific size and/or type of unit, and also a specific unit number if you want.0
Thanks for the info guys! I have not tried myHub yet. Something worth looking into
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We used the Waiting List and Reminder features of the Standalone. Now that we are on the Web edition, these two areas are the only things we miss! We thought the old methods were easy and allowed us to put a prospect on the WL for more than l size and cov or unc or either.. No such luck on Web Edition. Sad.4
Lori Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭Will we be able to use the inquiry without being assigned to a specific unit soon? It would be a very welcomed feature.1
@Lori, the software will always select a unit, but you can change the selection when/if they move in. At this time there's no plan to change this functionality but the developers always welcome new ideas. Thanks for your input!0
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I agree - the lead to lease is too cumbersome to use. I have tried - but it is much easier to simply put the information down in the calendar as a "wait list" item.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage1 -
Sue_Community said:@Lori, the software will always select a unit, but you can change the selection when/if they move in. At this time there's no plan to change this functionality but the developers always welcome new ideas. Thanks for your input!
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Sue_Community said:@Lori, the software will always select a unit, but you can change the selection when/if they move in. At this time there's no plan to change this functionality but the developers always welcome new ideas. Thanks for your input!
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CVSSSTORAGE said:Sue_Community said:@Lori, the software will always select a unit, but you can change the selection when/if they move in. At this time there's no plan to change this functionality but the developers always welcome new ideas. Thanks for your input!
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CVSSSTORAGE said:Sue_Community said:@Lori, the software will always select a unit, but you can change the selection when/if they move in. At this time there's no plan to change this functionality but the developers always welcome new ideas. Thanks for your input!
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skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you have constant waiting lists, you aren't charging enough!!!!
LOL2 -
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭skinman said:If you have constant waiting lists, you aren't charging enough!!!!
LOLJean Marie
I-43 Storage4 -
I posted a waiting list option incorrectly yesterday. I make a unit called Office if I do not have the size a customer needs and they want to be on the waiting list for it I enter their name and phone information, Select office as the unit. In the Company name I enter the size they are waiting for (that will show up on the lead to lease screen.) Its easy to see that information when you check to see what you are waiting for.
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I put everyone in the Lead to Lease, even if we don't have the size available. If I have a unit come open, I just open leads and sort by size. The date entered is right there. I just start calling oldest first, within the last couple of months, that I just had (size needed) open up. Give an hour or two to respond, then on to the next in line.3
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭AnitaJohnson1269 said:I put everyone in the Lead to Lease, even if we don't have the size available. If I have a unit come open, I just open leads and sort by size. The date entered is right there. I just start calling oldest first, within the last couple of months, that I just had (size needed) open up. Give an hour or two to respond, then on to the next in line.0
@AnitaJohnson1269 this is what we do except we call them all in order and tell them its first come first serve. If they want to they can rent with us over the phone. We never hold anything too many people come in looking for storages in my area to waste time holding and then they don't show up.2
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