ADVERTISING HELP - What works and what doesn't?
Registered User ✭
Hello everyone! Here at our facility, we've done very little advertising. Most move ins occur organically from drive-by's, word of mouth, and online searches.
Was hoping to get some insight on what others do and what they've found works and doesn't work in their marketing campaigns/strategies. Really trying to amp up awareness and occupancy in 2019. Thanks for your time, insight, and help!
Was hoping to get some insight on what others do and what they've found works and doesn't work in their marketing campaigns/strategies. Really trying to amp up awareness and occupancy in 2019. Thanks for your time, insight, and help!
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Every area is different so there is no single idea that's perfect. Craigslist ads are something I always push stores to do as it's free and takes very little time once you have generated enough to republish ads. If you're in a more "tech savvy" area it can generally create a solid source of rentals. Had a store in Orlando and with all of our campaigns and tracking numbers in use it was their 2nd highest source of customers generated. If it's a smaller area look for local community geared websites to try the tech front. If you're on a busy street with high visibility and your city allows it make sure you have banners/feather flags up to catch passer by's attention and if you have a reader board don't let it grow stale, change it up bi-weekly at the least, humor goes a long way with those. Make sure your getting positive online reviews, strive to be the store in your area with the most positive reviews to the point of it's a night and day difference between you and competitors. If you google a business and see one with 100 positive reviews versus one with 20, which one are you going to want to look at first?1
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