Transition Plan
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We are about to change our Sentinel keypads over to PTI with Storlogix and I am trying to figure out the best way to transition my tenants. Has anyone else done this? Everyone's current gate codes will change and we will have the app they can download. I am already designing the new gate code cards to give new people but I'm trying to figure out how to tell my current people. I got the instructions from PTI on the app and it's 9 pages!! I can't send out an instruction manual Does anyone have any advice here?
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Send out a blast email for the Change of Access Code, call your tenants, send out letters to those without emails with their new codes. You will still have a few that get denied at the gate and have to come in to get the new code, so don't let that get to you. For the app, create a Letter and blast that out too. Tell them what is going to be needed to login to the app. Are you getting the introductory rate for the app, if so are you not charging for it, yet? Advise your tenants of this in your email/letters. Make sure you advise them how to correctly enter their codes, we have a metal sign attached to the keypads that lets everyone know they must press * their code and then #0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭joleap said:ESS said:Are you getting the introductory rate for the app, if so are you not charging for it, yet?0
Ah, ok. That makes sense, thank you. So, your tenants only use a code now? No app or other way of gate access? Was the app hard to explain to them? Was it difficult to use? Just wondering why more of them didn't use it. Are you able to show me any of the communication pieces that you used? Perhaps a photo of the metal sign at your keypads?0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The app was pretty self explanatory once they downloaded it. It was super buggy tho and nobody really cared to use it. We only use codes now. We are discussing upgrading our keypads at the entrance/exit to include the usage of the fobs. We didn't use any communication for the app; At sign up we would offer it for $2 a month, if they wanted it we told them the app info and helped them to set it up in office, if they chose. By the time we discontinued it, it was only myself and the other manager using it so we didn't have to advise anyone. On the back of our business cards is where we write their gate codes and we have those pre-printed with
UNIT # _______
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Thank you for all this info. I really appreciate it1
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