Email sending trouble
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I changed my password on gmail and sitelink email and it won't send. I've done this several times a year and never had a problem. I get a error code 5.7.0 authentication required.
nothing else was changed. I tried everything I've read on here and even changing email accounts. I've used the same account for years, same way, I don't get it. I thought I would ask here before the long wait for help from sitelink. TIA
nothing else was changed. I tried everything I've read on here and even changing email accounts. I've used the same account for years, same way, I don't get it. I thought I would ask here before the long wait for help from sitelink. TIA
Hi, @Bowie. Please take the following steps: close SiteLink, then double-click SiteLink (but do not login), click maintenance, reset the local database, and lastly, login now. Next, go to setup, email, enter the new password and then, test email. This should work but if not, please SiteLink support and we'll be sure to get you up and running again! 919-865-0789, Option 21
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