Has anyone found a good weed Killer?

weedpuller1 Registered User ✭✭
In this 100 humid weather the weeds are being very invasive,  they seem to be immune to Round-up and most over the counter weed controllers.  My sidewalk could be a garden.  


  • skinman
    skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used a product called buccaneer plus. It worked for several months... just don't get it near ornamental bushes or your grass. The school system here uses it for their fenceline.... 
  • i43storage
    i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Immune to Round-Up?  Wow - what kind of weeds you growin'? :#
    Jean Marie
    I-43 Storage
  • Sue_C
    Sue_C Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @weedpuller1, I'm going to weigh in here cause I've had a lot of luck with plain old white vinegar. The only problem is it sometimes takes a good amount of vinegar poured right on them so it soaks in (can't just spray them). I usually get the large gallons of it, fairly cheap. Good luck! And post some pics if you have any success :)

    Check out this related thread too:  Weed spray...and other killing studies
  • Krista_Knudsen
    Krista_Knudsen Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭
    I'd agree with @Sue_Community ! We have tons of luck with vinegar and it's not too hard to find in bulk. Kills them overnight. 
  • weedpuller1
    weedpuller1 Registered User ✭✭
    Thank you so much everyone, I will try the vinegar 1st, and the buccaneer between the isles.   
  • Orkocean
    Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Never heard of the buccaneer, may try that If my usual vinegar treatment doesn't do the job. I'm a concrete jungle, and I wanna be a concrete wasteland lol
  • Adrienne_Danyel
    Adrienne_Danyel Registered User ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    We live in the desert so we do not have much grass but our WEEDS are something else. I use good old Round Up for the top WEEDS. Then during Monsoon season I till my yard with Maze Grass & Weed Preventer. Both you can by at any local hardware store. Every time I till the my yard with this I get less & less weeds each season. 
  • 1833
    1833 Registered User ✭✭
    weed killers do not work if the temp is above 86*  :) 

  • Orkocean
    Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Really @1833 ? I've never heard that, well we're pretty much s.o.l. here in Texas then lol. 
  • Christa_Gray
    Christa_Gray Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    1 part rock salt (I just use some of the salt left over from salting our sidewalks over the winter), 4 parts vinegar, and 1 tablespoon dish soap (I prefer blue dawn as it's non-toxic).

    Mix and spray, and the weeds will be gone the next day.

    The vinegar kills the top and helps the salt get down in the root. The soap helps keep a residual build up and helps keep some of the salt and vinegar on the tops of the weed leaves so they will "burn". 

    Best non-chemical way to kill weeds that I have found. 

    Oh and it works in temps over 86 degrees. 
  • weedpuller1
    weedpuller1 Registered User ✭✭
    I am going to try the vinegar salt and soap, we got a batch of the same stuff they use to kill brush on the highways, it works, somewhat but takes 3 days.   I pulled a weed on one of the isles and the root broke the cement,  i was so shocked, I scooted the broken pieces of cement in the hole and have been watching for cave in's.  LOL,  i don't believe any thing has been maintained here in years.  We have been here 4 months now,  we are finally starting to see a difference. thank you everyone
  • Storagelife
    Storagelife Registered User ✭✭
    I use straight bleach first thing in the morning. However, I only used it on the asphalt or concrete. I use a spray bottle. The morning is the best due to the sun will bake it.
  • brownrooster
    brownrooster Registered User ✭✭✭
    It took me about two weeks of bloody fingers and realize I was using profitable time to clear my lot by hand.  So I begged, and received a change in protocol from ownership.  I am now using a product I bought from an Ag Dealer.  (farmers have to deal with weeds for livelihood, I trust them).  I found a product called ProDuece.

    1) it is a fairly quick burndown, about 2-3 days.

    2) it is a sterilant, so stuff won't grow back, where applied (for about a year or so).  (I am applying all over my pavement cracks, up against buildings, etc...as I see stuff pop up.  I am also using it on our xeriscaped rock garden (I'm in the desert).  All of this is with great success.

    3) It also has the benefit of having a yellow dye in it that helps you see where you have sprayed.  Dye wears off in sun in about 4-5 days, in rain almost immediately.  

    4) It is a concentrate 6 oz per gallon.  I am over-spraying cause weeds really piss me off.  i think it goes back to my childhood and having to pull dandelions by hand 8 mos a year!  But even with that, I have gotten about 8 or nine applications on my 350 unit facility (and Rock Garden) so far.  Still have enough chem for 2 or 3 more.  That is from a half gallon container.

    5) it ain't cheap but it is worth it.  $83 for the half gallon size, i think it was 120-130 for full gallon, just didn't have the petty cash on hand to do that.  Much cheaper than the premixed stuff overall and I couldn't be happier.  More importantly, ownership is happy.  Lot looks great. (when I took over facility, it was rough.
  • bigjohn4300
    bigjohn4300 Registered User
    I found RM-43 to be a great herbicide for the South Louisiana climate, it not only kills the present vegetation its sprayed on, its also a ground sterilant that keeps the ground pretty much bare for close to a year.
  • dbudgen
    dbudgen Registered User ✭✭✭
    I had this weed by my car that the gardener's never pulled, the previous manager for some unknown reason had bought a ton of 409, so I took the 409 and used it. The weed is gone and has never tried to come back. I showed it who was boss. 

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