Online Prepay
We assess rent on the 1st. I have had a couple of tenants trying to make their next months payment on the 28th or 29th, but the online systems will not allow it. Is their a setting I am missing that would allow online pre-pay?
Lienholder on unit contents
When a new tenant indicates that there is a lienholder on some or all of the items they are storing do you require additional information? What is your companys protocol?
Transfer Two Units Into One.
I have a tenant coming in tomorrow to upgrade from two 5x10's to a 10x20. How is Sitelink going to handle that? I know a basic transfer will prorate rent and apply to new unit along with the security deposit. Will Sitelink let me move them out of the second unit and apply the credit to another unit? Or will I have to do…
access control not registering activity
Anyone else having this issue access control not registering activity?
Auction tags or locks
Do you use auction tags or locks?
How Do I Make All Units Active At Once?
I manage a new facility. We are still on a Temp CO, but renting on the first floor only. Since we are about to go live on the rest of the floors, I will need to make all those units active. I can't imagine having to activate 300+ units individually! Is there a way to make them all active at once?
Transfer feature in SL
Does your facility use the transfer feature or do you perform a new move-in and then move-out? The transfer feature always seemed like a straightforward, easy approach but I would like to know what you think?
Add a Custom Site Map Category
Is there any way to add an additional color or make a notation on specific units on the map? I am trying to manage the units we have set as rentable online - having those units in a different color would make it very easy to differentiate from the others across multiple locations.
Autopay setup dates ?
Is there a way to set up a different date for each tenant when they are set up for autopay. Our rent is due the 1st, therefore its set up to come out on the 1st for everyone. I have a few tenants that need autopay to come out on the 4th and the 14th. Can that be set up using auto bill on day past due box by putting in the…
ESign issues
Anyone else having a problem with a signature error? Tenant signed with no problems-however I keep getting an error for Managers Signature.
When is the next update for storable access?
And I hope I will be able to pick what areas the customers can get into, as of now if you have a gate code they have access everywhere. Patiently waiting
Gmail issue in sitelink
We are having an issue with emails. We send out hundreds of reminders or late notices at a time with no issue. But today I created a custom letter within sitelink to email customers about auto enrollment in the tenant protection program we use. We went to letters .. wizard abs checked all uninsured customers, under…
Email setup
The yahoo email address that I have in SiteLink suddenly quit working yesterday. It doesn't even recognize my email address when I log in and none of the verification codes will send to my recovery cell phone number or alternate email. Have a call into Premium Paid Support but after hearing other stories have no hopes of…
One of my coworkers did a rental back in July. Just noticed that the tenant hasn't made a payment
for the month of August. After reviewing the account, I noticed that the monthly rent is $0.00 and its under daily rental rather than monthly rental. How can I change it back to monthly rental? Or do I have to vacate the tenant and re-enter the tenant as a new tenant.
Does everyone send out a cut lock notice? And when you send the lien notice, do you put the auction date on it?
Fee for overlock?
We have a late fee on the 6th and place an overlock on the unit on day 30 as well as lock their gate code. Month after month after month we have the same tenants who get overlock, pay up and then overlocked again.
Delinquency Emails
Did you guys create your own emails for delinquent tenants? Or did you use a template?
Tenants making repeated online payments
I have had two tenants so far today who have tried to make online payments. They are getting the circle of death followed by a message saying their payment did not process. They have then repeatedly tried to make the payment. As a result, they have ended up making the payment four times. And I have to send 3 refunds back…