Top Ten Self Storage Marketing Strategies?
TheStorageGroup Moderator, ClickandStor Moderator ✭
What are the tops ways to market self storage facilities specifically? The Storage Group's team has put together a white paper providing you the answer! Click here to get your copy!
Make many Great first impressions! - drive by impression with great landscaping & flowers, Great client walk in impression by walking around the counter and shaking hands and getting their name and then use it 3 times, website first impression or how about the a great get the idea.8
Hi Marc! Thanks for the feedback!1
Always get the basics down first. Great comment Marc!1
Referrals from realtors is a big deal. I go around with a small gift from dollar tree ( coffee tumbler or mason jar, depending on the season) filled with mints and other small candies, single serve lemonade, tea, coffee or hot chocolate. I visit Realtors a couple times a month and it pays off!! I'm the one they remember.6
MegumiM Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭What a wonderful idea AnitaJohnson1269. Great way to stand out from all the others 'cause I'm sure realtors get a lot of solicitation. We tend to get a lot of our customers through referrals from movers. It is a give and take with them as we send them a lot of business as well. Keeping a clean facility and having polite, professional staff make a difference as well. We are priced a bit higher than our competition so first impressions of staff and facility are very important.1
Curbside appeal seems to go a long way in our area. We have many clients that bring other family members into the fold. A "refer a friend program" with $25.00 credit and a $10.00 coffee card encourages it as well. Our staff is knowledgeable and helpful, we try to have a relationship with our renters and make sure they know we are aware and security conscious. A comfortable, up to date office area shows we care about the customers needs.
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