Rent and Coverage Days Apart
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Good Morning, I have noticed so far on a few of my clients when i process their credit card that the coverage and rent are anywhere from 1 to 5 days apart. has anyone else experienced this?
I am not sure I under your question. Please explain further "coverage and rent are anywhere from 1 to 5 days apart".0
sorry, normally when we move in a customer the rent and coverage fee are paid through to the same day, this eliminates any issues for when we move out a customer. after the most recent update to sitelink i noticed on a few of my clients when i process the credit card that it would only show one of the two charges. for example coverage was paid through the 26th and rent on the 27th.
the anniversary date is the 27th, therefore paid thru date should be the 26th for both coverage and rent.0 -
Eric_Lewis Registered Moderator, Community Manager, SiteLink Tech Support, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified SiteLink Tech Support › marketplace moderatorBlueGroup,
Coverage Fee is a recurring charge just like rent. Please look at the ledger history and review the original start date for the Coverage Fee. It is likely the fee was added either on a different date from the move in or the coverage start date was different than the rent due date. Both these scenarios would result in a different due date between rent and the coverage fee. In order to correct you will need to cancel the Coverage Fee and readd with a start date of the 27th. I do not feel this is related to the update. If you need assistance cancelling and adding please contact support at 919-865-7745 opt 2 or email support@sitelink.com1
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