Prorations not working correctly
The proration's are not being calculated correctly. At first I thought they were all being based on 28 day months, even though I have the them set at 30 day months in the company setup. But it turns out that they seem to be calculating differently even between tenants. When you use the proration calculator, set the date in…
Collating Lease Agreements and other Documents Generated in Sitelink
I am looking for assistance on how to collate documents as they are printed for site link. For example if I print two lease agreements, our printer currently prints them each page twice. This forces me to have to separate the document into two piles (containing one of each page). Is there a way to collate them as they are…
Does site link have an option to add things like scanned DL & Docs. Outlook emails etc into cust accts? Thankyou!!
Does SiteLink have a suspend or freeze acct/unit function?
Does SiteLink have a suspend or freeze acct/unit function? This would be useful for situations where you need to suspend the continuation of accruing added charges and fees without having to vacate the unit leaving the existing charges on the account and making sure the unit is not shown as available. For example, a…
Invoicing Over Discount Periods
One thing I have found with units that have a discount rate applied across multiple months is that when Sitelink creates an invoice to send to the customer for their next rent payment (after the initial move-in), it always bills the entire discount period in one lump sum. Ouch! This always results in sticker shock for my…
Transfer Payment after Daily Close
Can Adjustments / Ledger Adjustments be used to transfer a payment to another unit after a Daily Close?
Email warning message
Every email I send with SiteLink on Outlook gives me the "A program is trying to send an email..." message. I've made the necessary changes in Outlook, but to no avail. A while back I had SiteLink support fix it for me, but now, after a SiteLink update a while back...it's doing it again and it is annoying. Any ideas to…
Recording/reporting of auctioned units
Couple of questions please....On the Mgmt Summary Report, there is line item "Auctions", but it always shows as "zero" even though we do sell units at auction. We do not vacate these units any differently in SL than regular move outs. Why is this here, and is there a way to record payments from the buyer/bidder (other than…
Sitelink map printing
Does anyone else struggle with printing a sitelink map to be the right scale? We will zoom in to where it fills up the screen which we think would fill the page only to have it print and leave half the page blank as it scales differently printing than it shows on screen. It then becomes a tinkerfest of zooming in/out to…
Merging vacant units
Is there a way to merge vacant units together? For instance, I have two 10x10 units that I want to make a 10x20 for a customer. I want one of the units to be the primary unit number and the other to become unavailable in the system.
Where and/or how do I change th information that comes up when I use the Keyword keyword <Invoice.specialNote>
Sitelink question
Hello everyone, we have 6 locations, is there a way to make a pop up note in each of our systems so that if someone was auctioned off at location 1, that they are not able to rent at location 3? Just had that happen today at 2 of our stores, lady moved into 3 and wanted move in truck which is at 1, when she called 1 to…
Batching Units after they are already moved in
For the life of me I know I have done this before but can't find out where I did it. I have a tenant who is in 2 separate units. When an employee moved him in to the 2nd unit she did not batch them. How can I batch these 2 units together so when I take a payment I don't have to run them separately?
24 Hour Access
My general/"business" hours for customer access are 0600-2200 7 days a week. One of my assistant managers moved someone in on my off day a couple months ago, and had attempted to set him up for the 24 hour access optoin in Sitelink, as he is a police officer. I also have another customer that recently wanted temporary 24…
Scheduled Move-Out's on Map
On the SiteLink Map, has there been any consideration (for the orange Scheduled Move-Out's) to add something to show that a Scheduled Move-Out is also Reserved? This would really help us know that certain Scheduled Move-Out's are also Reserved without having to check the Inquiries and Reservations.
Including the "red note" from payment screen into collection screen?
Is there a possibility of having the payment screen "red note" include on the collection call tenant screen? We have a few tenants who only get paid at certain points of the month and while we have the note in the payment screen to remind us not to call them until that date when we are going through the collection calls…
Discounts not displaying in ledger settings
Why cant we see the senior or military discounts in our ledger settings anymore? Also when I go to edit charges and payments, it looks like I could still set them up for a discount, which would be a double discount because the rate already reflects the discount. Super confusing!
Waiting List on Managment Report
What does Waiting List mean on the Management Summary Report and how do I find who is waiting?
On site indicator on site map?
I remember having this option with Sentinel Systems. Any chance of getting it with PTI DigiGate?
Discount from street rate not showing on receipts
We have a lot of tenants who pay less than our new rental rates, (they get raised, just not as fast as the street rates increased). I think when we first got Sitelink Web, it showed the discount the tenant had from the street rate. Now it is always $0. Is there a setting we messed up?
How to change the name on only one unit when they're are multiple units linked?
If there's a Tenant that has multiple units linked, but need changed the name on just one of the units, how can we do that without having to move out just that one unit to change the name?
Lease Rental agreement contract number entered incorrectly,Can this be changed
Lease Rental agreement contract number was entered incorrectly, Can this be changed, It occurred between two different customers while data entry. after they were totally moved in in the system
General Email To All Customers
Is there a way to email all of my customers that have an email at the same time? I want to send out
The system keep invoicing incorrect invoice
Customer has been paid $3500 on 26/4/2017, the lease renewed to 25/5/2017, and $200 unpaid.But the system keep invoicing the customer $3500 since 4/6/2017, about 10 times, which the invoice is incorrect.It freak the customer out. It happened twice on different customer, please help us to solve the problem.
Closing Error
We had an employee who closed the other night with an error in the deposit. We are now showing a negative amount (-misc. adjustment) on our management summary every day. Is there a way to go back and fix this?
Rent and Coverage Days Apart
Good Morning, I have noticed so far on a few of my clients when i process their credit card that the coverage and rent are anywhere from 1 to 5 days apart. has anyone else experienced this?
NSF Checks in Sitelink
I had a tenant with a bounced check. When I went in to the NSF reversal screen to input this as an NSF check it let me click on a check from 2011 and do the payment reversal on that check. When I realized what I had done I went into the correct payment and did the same thing and then went into the customer payment screen…
Printing invoices?
I'm having trouble with invoicing. When I go to print invoices it will only show the past dues...I have it set to send invoices 10 days early thinking it would let me do it. Don't tell me I have to do the manual invoice thing...
Prorate calculator
Where is the prorate calculator on my hub? Its something we use often right on the operations screen on the site on our main comps. but we want to use myhub on tablets and would like to use the prorate calculator too.
Invoice Error
Anyone know of an issue where during processing outgoing invoices, the first one will send but the other ones will suffer a processing error? Also trying to process individual invoices fail.