SiteLink travels to ILSSA event
SiteLink's Markus Hecker attended the 2018 Illinois SSA Great Lakes Owners Summit June 13 and shared this great pic. The event was held at the Union League Club in Chicago, IL. Looks very well attended! Read more here.
ReCap - Illinois SSA Annual Meeting Nov. 8th
2017 Illinois SSA Fall Summit - November 8, 2017 Wyndham Springfield City Centre, Springfield, IL SiteLink is sending our own Jennifer Aalfs, stop by and say hi and introduce yourself. We all like to make new friends! For more info.
Fitness center may shift to self-storage facility
The Body Max fitness center on West 79th Avenue in Merrillville could become a self-storage facility, according to the owners of the property it's located on. Martin Shreibak told the Merrillville Plan Commission Wednesday he wants to put storage units in the parking lot on the south side of the building and may eventually…
From Lincoln Logs to self-storage
In Chicago, developers are reusing old spaces to create self-storage spaces. Former Lincoln Logs factory in Chicago purchased; self-storage facility planned for 2018. What's your opinion on converting old factory space into storage?