newbie needing advice on rope or pull-downs
I am new to this industry an have taken on management at a distressed property. Loving the work, every day finds new challenges but I am making a difference. I as I am going through making small improvements, daily, I have noticed that many of the units are missing pull downs/ropes on the roll-up doors. Many others are…
Is there a way to bold words in the body of an email through SiteLink?
I have been trying since forever, and can't seem to figure it out if there is even a way to. Any help would be appreciated! -Alex
Editing move out date
Once you have moved out a tenant and re-rented the unit, is there a way to change the vacate date on the previous tenant when processing a refund?
SiteLink Training
Hello, I was wondering if SiteLink has some type of training software for new employees to practice in (aside from training videos). To really understand how SiteLink works requires hands-on. I think it would be cool to have some type of training system that lets new employees do fake move-ins, move-outs, payments, etc.…
How do you handle gate remotes in Sitelink
I am curious as to how others might be handling gate remotes in Sitelink. The scenario is a remote gate opener given to a client. Do you take a deposit, and if so how do you take it? How do you keep track in Sitelink that the customer has the remote? Thanks.
Re-print Refund Receipt
After this past weekend's Sitelink maintenance update, I am not able to reprint our Refund Receipt under Company/Re-print/Forms. We can see it in Set up/Form Setup, it has the x in the "Used" cell and format is "Use Standard RTF" but when we go back to Forms, Re-Print, it is not in the Select a Document Category........…
Reverse Overlock Bug
Sitelink shows that I have 11 reverse overlocks to do, but when I click on the reminder it brings me to the reverse overlock task window and there are none to do. When I do the same to the overlock reminder, I still get units that need to be overlocked appearing. Please help.
Gate Lock out didn't update
I noticed a tenant on site yesterday that hasn't paid for May. He should have been locked out at gate. Gate lock out occurs the 11th. A little research and I learned the lock outs didn't occur at either of my facilities. I use Win Sen Sentinel Gate Access software.
When issuing a Credit, where can I give the Reason why?
When issuing a credit in a tenant's ledger, why am I not prompted to give a reason why the credit is being issued? When doing an Administrative Adjustment, you are prompted to give a reason why. I feel Sudden-link should require the same for a Credit issued. I know I can type the reason in notes, but I would like it…
Cut and Inventory
We have several tenants that do not pay unless we place a lien. Most have not had access to the contents of their unit for years. Is it legal to make a copy of the last physical cut & Inventory on file and sign with the new date?
Pro rate ledger after move out
Can I Pro rate an account AFTER move out was already performed? I know you can pro rate at the time of move out, but if that wasn't done and you want to pro rate and credit back $ to the moved out tenant, can that be done after the fact?
Reverse Overlock Is Broken.
Since the last update the option under the reminders section for Reverse Overlock does not seem to be working. When you click to open up the new tab and reverse the tenants overlock, nothing appears. You have to manually go into the tenants account and under ledger settings to reverse the overlock. It isn't that big of a…
30 day notices and refunds
The question of the day! LOL I tried calling support and I struggled to understand the lady and I don't think she was understanding what my question was. So I'm hoping someone can help me here and kind of give me step by step instructions. NOTE: We currently do all our book keeping, ledgers ..EVERYTHING by hand. Currently…
Applying credit to Security Deposit
I have a tenant that transferred to another facility. Instead of issuing a refund check I am going to apply a credit. However I remember a time that a tenant vacated then came back 24 hours later and said he changed his mind. Since I hadn't issued the refund check I moved them back in and applied a credit towards the…
Keeping Busy
In our facility, sometimes I hit spots or even days where I feel like I just sit here or search the web for anything to read. What are some things that you would do to pass some time? Or how about some great sites to get some articles on Storage Stories in other states? Or just some interesting articles to read that aren't…
Climate Control Temperature/ Pricing Variance
I work at a facility in San Diego, Ca that offers climate control option. Since I have been there, the area has been kept around 70 degrees F. Our Pharma reps and other business clients have become used to the AC, and since we have discovered that most other facilities keep their CC areas MUCH warmer. What temperature do…
The biggest obstacle so far for our company has been trying to figure out the difference in meaning of words on Sitelink. For example, our practice has always been to call an over payment a "credit". A credit for us is anytime a tenant makes a payment OVER their total due or when an error has been found on their ledger and…
Form Category
How do you change the category that a letter or form is in? My rental increase letter is under the collections category so when I email it to someone the verbiage is in correct.
Sitelink software vs gate software
In setting up a new computer we somehow lost the ability to automatically delete a gate code on move out. Sitelink says its a problems with the gate software, gate software says its a problem with Sitelink. Any suggestions on how to get this fixed? Thanks very much for any help.
Take a one time ACH payment
We are new to sitelink and i was wondering if there was a way to take a one time ACH payment from a customer? I have done ACH payments for customers who have it on auto bill.
Modify units, must add note
I understand why when I take a unit "off line" for service or a vendor to use I have to make a unit note, however when I bring a unit back on line the system requires me to note it. This is kind of a pain because then I have to go back in and remove the note. I do the maintenance for 3 properties right now and it is a bit…
Correcting or deleting Predictive Text
When I'm entering information into the tenant primary info area for a move in, the predictive text in some areas, like City, is incorrect...spelled wrong...How can I remove that out of the Predictive text box?
Management Summary
Is there a file that explains the Management Summary Report? I need to understand what "other" is under Payment Receipts.
Refund to credit
How can you take an insurance refund or even a deposit refund and put it as credit for a tenant?
Thinking cap question - want to track referrals in Sitelink
I want to track referrals directly in sitelink and am thinking of ways to accomplish this. My current best workaround is to use a tenant field that is largely unused and substituting the referrer name in there. For instance, put the reference name in the "Additional phone"... which I could then reference with…
Security Deposit Refund
If a Security Deposit was marked as Dismissed during Move Out, can it be reapplied (or re-activated) to the moved account after move out has already been completed. example: The tenant came back in and had fulfilled the Security Deposit requirements. That way we can show Security deposit as applied and refunded to tenant?
Payment history for a certain year
How do I pull up the payment history for an entire year without seeing all of the other years? I have commercial tenants that ask for it in January for their taxes and it is very difficult to show them because the one I get shows their entire rental history.
Is there a way to pull up all the emails recorded in sitelink to send one email to all my tenants?
Last Update Broke License Scanning and E-Sign Agreements
After the last update a couple days ago, I cannot scan licenses into Sitelink anymore. I used to be able to place the license on the upper corner of the scanner, and Sitelink would scan it in, and scan in just the license. Now when I scan, it blows the license up huge, and only keeps about 1/4 of the license which is…