Site Link Move-In Screen Has no Unit Number Visable
We're still rather new to Site Link having moved from Sentinel Systems after 25 plus years. Is anyone else having trouble navigating the move in screen? I get that you have to select a vacant unit and then "add" that unit to begin the move in process. My problems is that on the screen where you actually begin to enter…
Posting multiple payments as Ach using 1 check
Why can't we post multiple payments as Ach the same as we do c/c? I have several customers who pay for multiple units using one check. I have to put each payment in separately. One customer has 6 units.
Tracking previously Mailed and Emailed Invoices
Is there a way to run a report on how many invoices went out by mail and how many went email for a specific date range. Since we started emailing some invoices, per out tenant request, we are curious as to how much postage was saved. I know you can see how many you are sending the day of, and you can see them in "Unpaid…
HELP{ - Separating Different Units for reports / income
Hi Everyone, I am hoping someone can guide me as to the best way to segregate certain units within the same site for reporting. Specifically we are trying to be able to determine income performance and figures from different size units and also locations on the property. We want to receive income reports from different…
Email Tracking/Capture
Is there a way to have outgoing emails saved somewhere so we have a record of them going out? With Domico, we used Thunderbird and it kept all of the outgoing emails for us. Can we use Thunderbird? Or another program? Thanks.
Invalid Pre-Lien and Lien Notices
For those in states that require a detailed list of charges, be careful. Our first batch of notices after the last update does not have the notice fees on the detailed list. The total amount due is correct, but no charges listed. Which in California, invalidates the notice.
Myob Importing
Morning all. Is anyone using Myob and Sitelink? What accounting interface are your using. We had it all set up using storman and now my head office is unsure on how to import it.
How do you keep discount when you transfer?...
We moved in a tenant with a special, prepay two months get one month free a week ago. Now, tenant wants to be transfer to different unit. I am doing the transfer, but somehow it is not applying discounted month as free month, it is transferring tenant to new unit, showing a due of the 3rd month (which is supposed to be…
several units today suddenly have charge invoice fee checked
Over 30 units today randomly have charge an invoice fee checked. They were not checked before. Did this happen to anyone else? I am now going through everyone's lease to make sure they wanted invoices
We require addresses, phone# ect... is there a way to defult and require Vehicle Lic plate numbers?
Recently we implemented a new policy (for the safety of our tenants) that if you did not enter the property in a 'vehicle' that you were unable to rent. This has helped keep the troubled "walk-in's" from renting. My question is, When renting a unit some fields are required fields that have to be filled in before advancing…
Deleting charge after end of day
A tenant's payment was accidentally put into the system for more than what they paid...the payment was $101.00, but instead $1,010.00 was entered. This caused the system to add charges for the assumed prepayments. The payment was deleted and corrected and an end of day was done. Now the charges still exist, and I can't…
Email Issues
I have noticed that occasionally, when emailing a tenant from Sitelink, such as emailing their receipt of payment, the email is coming back to us in our "Storageinasnapp" email as undelivered. I verify their email is correct, then email from our personal email, instead of Sitelink When I Email them from our Personal email,…
This is a suggestion or opportunity for improvement regarding "call past dues".
Whenever I make a contact to a past due customer from any entry into "notes" of the contact; can "call past dues" recognize that my actions apply and update the "Last Note" column.
Is there a way to input back-dated data into sitelink?
The storage facility where I work has been transitioning over to SiteLink software system from using paper ledgers for customer data and payments. The facility has been operating using paper ledgers for a number of years and there is a lot of data that has not been transferred or input into the system such has past…
Marketing to Buisnesses
What type of business customers do others facility's have for non-climate controlled storage units?
auto pay pending 3x in tenants account??
I had multiple people call I've heard of 2 before with disabled avs but its showing in their accounts 3 times.. how can I avoid this and why is this happening?
Deleting Rent charged after move out
Example: We have tenants who have moved out on Saturday (we are closed Sat & Sun) and bring in the key Monday. We perform the move out on Monday, but SiteLink charged rent on their Sunday due date. How can I take off that rent charged, since they actually moved out Saturday, but we are performing the move out on Monday…
Adding Admin Fees
Hi I am trying to add a $10 Admin fee so when someone moves in it automatically adds the $10 I am probably looking right at what I need to do but I cannot figure out how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated
COMING UP 6/13/18! Gestion de ingresos con SiteLink’s optimizador de precios
Este seminario web interactivo se presentará por completo en español (This interactive webinar will be presented entirely in Spanish) Gestion de ingresos con SiteLink’s optimizador de precios 13 de junio de 2018 a las 2:00 p.m. EDT Presentado por Amird Caballero, Sales Executive a SiteLink Aumente sus ingresos como…
Hello, Has anybody come across a better way to use the Form Editor SiteLink offers? It feels like I'm using WordPad and cannot format or personalize letters. When I import from Word, even if saved as a .rtf it doesn't matter because the Form Editor reverts back to it's own settings. Otherwise, it takes a lengthy amount of…
SiteLink requires a country code to select the SMS option. What is the country code for US?
SiteLink requires a country code to select the SMS option. What is the country code for US? Where would these codes be found?
ACH not Committing
Hi, I am having problems committed my ACH payments. They have been submitted and every time I tried to commit those payments I get an error message that states: ACH Processor: NO TRANSACTIONS FOUND. In my reminders and on my ACH payment page it shows that I have ACH payments that I need to commit. Please advise. Thank You!
Entering Auction Date
New user here. Is there a way to 1) enter an auction date/time so that I can automatically fill the field in lien notification letter, and 2) print report of auctions scheduled?
Reports fail silently. (doesn't open but no indication of issue)
Hi, this seems to be an issue on a new computer, when you click the OK button...nothing happens. Even if there was no software to handle I would expect windows to show a dialogue box asking what to do? On another computer it opens in Crystal Reports, is this a firewall problem? a software problem? or any other thoughts…
Report Scheduler - Filters?
Morning all... Maybe i'm still half asleep, we do open at 8AM on a Monday after all but i'm wondering if i'm just missing the option or if there is not an option when scheduling reports to run for specific filters. For instance I put together a weekly spreadsheet for all of our stores that we go over weekly on a conference…
Payment Receipts
Why do payment receipts that have been paid with a credit card have a signature line? The transaction already took place ...
How do I capture a payment in Sitelink that was made on my website?
Hello! I am VERY new to sitelink and I received an email that someone has paid online and in our old program we just hit the online button and processed it. I do not see anything that allows me to capture this online payment. Please help! Thank you in advance :)
I don't know where you are all at with the weather...but we are still getting 20 degree temperatures at night and in the morning. With a Possible SNOW shower this weekend?! What the heck?
Credit Card Void or Refund
How do I Void or Refund a Credit Card charge that was run through SiteLink Web Edition Card Processing Terminal?
Postpone Payment
We have a tenant who came in on 4/10 and wanted to move in on 5/1. He is also paying for 3 months at once. I know that you can move his move-in date to 5/1 and the gate code doesn't work till then, but is there any way to postpone payment? Can I take his card information now and then have it be charged on 5/1 for three…