MAY 2017 POLL: How often do you run a promotion?
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Rent and Coverage Days Apart
Good Morning, I have noticed so far on a few of my clients when i process their credit card that the coverage and rent are anywhere from 1 to 5 days apart. has anyone else experienced this?
About IVR Technology
NSF Checks in Sitelink
I had a tenant with a bounced check. When I went in to the NSF reversal screen to input this as an NSF check it let me click on a check from 2011 and do the payment reversal on that check. When I realized what I had done I went into the correct payment and did the same thing and then went into the customer payment screen…
How to Become a Partner
Client Login
Not sure this is the best place to do it but I would really like to see client invoices be available through their login. Is this something that can be added?
Printing invoices?
I'm having trouble with invoicing. When I go to print invoices it will only show the past dues...I have it set to send invoices 10 days early thinking it would let me do it. Don't tell me I have to do the manual invoice thing...
Some say millennials usually prefer to do everything online...
Has anyone found there are certain types of tenants who are more inclined to sign an eLease than others?
Self Storage Needs A Reality Chacke
We have promos all over the place .How does a 30 year old facility competes with a modern day facility? If the customer has nothing but trash, How does that compare with a customer that has Ethan Allan?
Diet fads and eating trends, do they work?
Every week there seems to be a new diet or food trend sponsored by celebrity chefs, food bloggers or friends and family. Some have come and gone over the years with mixed results. I've started a list of currently popular ones. Or, maybe you remember one from the past that seemed great at the time... Paleo diet: Think…
Prorate calculator
Where is the prorate calculator on my hub? Its something we use often right on the operations screen on the site on our main comps. but we want to use myhub on tablets and would like to use the prorate calculator too.
U-Haul Offers 30 Days Free Self-Storage to Flood Victims in Southwestern Quebec
LAVAL, Quebec , April 7, 2017 /CNW/ -- U-Haul Company of Western Quebec is offering 30 days of free self-storage to residents of Sainte-Thérèse and surrounding areas who have been or will be impacted by flooding. Greater Montreal has taken on extensive water due to heavy rains. Flooded streets and flooded home basements in…
Invoice Error
Anyone know of an issue where during processing outgoing invoices, the first one will send but the other ones will suffer a processing error? Also trying to process individual invoices fail.
Storage soars: Self storage a growth business for Canada [Article]
David Allan likes to say self storage is a fascinating industry. It’s a statement he often punctuates with a laugh. “But seriously, it is an interesting business,” he adds. Allan should know. He is the business development manager for one of Canada’s largest self storage companies, Apple Self-Storage. Roughly the…
Auction Processing
Hello, This is our first auction and I have never used sitelink before when processing one. Is there a special way to process the payment or do I just process the payment to the unit as if I was moving it out? Thank you for your help. Christina
Colorado! Are 1x1 cannabis growing units the future?
It's a pretty common joke in the industry that facilities rent "boxes of air" :D . Do you think anybody will try selling "boxes of light" and provide small spaces for people to grow cannabis? Anybody envisioning this being a part of the future of self-storage?
Error message when printing a lease from the Move In screen.
Has anyone else seen this appear when printing a Lease from the Move In screen? It's only appeared since the last update. You can still go to the tenant screen and print the lease from the letters option but that's not what we want to do company wide. Is there a solution for this? Cheers Phil
Not in My Backyard! When is it ok for self-storage to block the view?
Tall self-storage building proposed then rejected on this SC resort island. [Read about it here]
How does a bad neighborhood impact a storage facility? Any thoughts?
Comments please.
Self storage moves into the mainstream [Article]
Self storage provides a flexible alternative for businesses that do not want to sign long- term leases and prefer to rent an appropriately sized space from a service provider. The self storage industry has a brief history in Asia compared with that in the more mature markets in Australia, Europe and North America, but…
Welcome to the Australasian Forum
Welcome: This new resource is designed to assist all of our users of SiteLink Web Edition. Feel free to ask questions and seek advice from fellow users. Don't forget that all SLWE users have a great tech support resource as part of the SLWE subscription. Self Storage is a great community and I look forward to seeing your…
Powering stuff when there is a power outage [Video]
Have you had a power outage and wished you didn’t have a power outage?! You might have the tools to help the situation: https://youtu.be/At0advb9_fA
How do I search for a lease by its number?
Hi I am brand new to SiteLInk. How do I search for lease agreement by number?
Turning a LEAD into a TENANT
I just wanted to share something that really works at my facility. When obtaining a new leads email info, I like to personally send them pictures of our facility. That has really helped turn a lead into a tenant as they feel I really took the time to show them excellent customer service! Does anyone have any other ideas to…
Nebraska Self Storage Lein Law
Has anyone heard or know where this bill stands for 2017 session...I sure wouldlike this to pass this year!
I'm wondering what a ball-park hourly wage would be for a part-time employee renting units?
Death of Tenant:
Not sure if this is appropriate but having trouble trying to find the correct way to change a name on an account when the tenant has passed away. I have death certificate and other person is on her lease as Fiance' and Emergency contact. I know they had items in unit for their joint business so not sure what to do.
What kind of tablets are best for MyHub and eLeases?
So what kind of tablets are preferred for using the MyHub and eLeases? Are facilities using these as Wi-Fi only devices or adding data plans to them? Any help would be great as we are trying to determine what will be best for our facilties. Thanks!
How to do the reservation by MyHub?
I want to know how to do a reservation by MyHub,just like Sitelink's Inquiries&Reservations funcation.is there anybody know it?
Why is Move Out Receipt Blank?
I just did a move-out using myHub and it generated a Move Out receipt with no tenant information on it. Has this happened to anyone else?