Renting to rockers: Is your facility band-friendly?
Some say it's an ideal rehearsal space... http://www.musicthinktank.com/blog/rock-locker-how-your-band-can-use-a-storage-unit-to-rehearse.html Has this ever come up at your site?
SiteLink Breaks into the Guam Self-Storage Market
GU Self Storage Holds Grand Opening Event [Read about it here]
Feature Request: Notice when online credit card payments are made with card not in name of tenant.
This is a feature request: Can we be notified when a payment is made online from somebody using a card other than tenant? We had a credit card fraud case were a tenant used a compromised card. We did not notice the multiple attempts until we looked at the Notes Screen. Not something we want to do for every online payment.…
Motorcycles willed to wife but my assistant put the storage unit in husbands name
Can anyone tell me the rules about married couples and whose name should be on the lease? As the discussion title explains, a couple came in with 2 motorcycles to store. My assistant put the unit in the husbands name but the mc's were willed to the wife. Do I need to put her name on the lease instead? I'm only concerned if…
Do you know how fast the self-storage industry is growing?
Who would have thought selling 10x10 foot spaces would be so profitable but once was an untold story and industry that hardly anyone was talking about, is now an upcoming and profitable industry to invest in. The first quarter 2016 data shows that non-climate controlled properties saw rent growth of 3.9 percent, ahead of…
Closing Error
We had an employee who closed the other night with an error in the deposit. We are now showing a negative amount (-misc. adjustment) on our management summary every day. Is there a way to go back and fix this?
SiteLink reports — which one's your favorite?
There are many reports available, but there's probably one you just can't live without. Let us know which report you like best!
California Customer Record's Law and Receipts
California Civil Code section 1798.80-1798.84 talks about what is considered personal information. A tenant's address is on the list of personal information to be protected. A lot of payment receipts that are generated by Self Storage software have the tenant's home address on there. Anyone making a payment on the account…
Costa Rica destination - Drakes's Bay
This place, La Paloma Lodge at Drake's Bay, is heaven on earth. Check out the video. http://www.lapalomalodge.com/ https://vimeo.com/143491604
"Uber for Storage" - Great idea or waste of money?
An early Uber employee is now launching an 'Uber for storage' to take the stress out of storing your stuff Uber transformed the taxi industry by making it easy to hail a ride with the touch of a button. Now, an early Uber employee wants to apply the same idea of making it more convenient and affordable to a market that is…
Top 5 Reasons why Professional images compliment your Website
With the explosion of smartphones, one could be forgiven that a phone is all you need to take photos for your website. Here are our top 5 reasons why professional images compliment your website. * Phone camera images are not always sharp. Whilst you can download apps to control exposure, most picture takers use the…
Wifi Connectivity in Mult-floor Warehouse
What solutions are being suggested to meet connectivity requirements when using Sitelink MyHub in warehouses? If Cellular service is spotty or worse MyHub might be a customer only tool in the 'front office'. While you 'might' be able to use your cell phone as a hot spot where you do have service in the warehouse or…
Enough is enough! I'm calling the cops if...
Irate customers, illegal activities...when is it time to call the police?
SiteLink Has Changed Our Business!
SiteLink has changed the way we do business. Since switching to them we have increased our rental opportunities and better managed our P&L. The tech support has been amazing as well. Very patient and informative. Way to go, please keep it up!!!
Is everyone moving to Houston?
This report ranks Houston as the No. 1 destination city for 2016. Here in Raleigh, it's been growing like crazy for over decade with tons of new residents (myself included:)). How about in your neck of the woods?
Has anyone tried setting up a tablet for tenants to use while in the office?
Has anyone tried setting up a tablet for tenants to use Kiosk style? If so, what do you do to block certain tenant information seen when you go to make a payment on the SiteLink Hub...or do you? Just curious...thinking about making this option available to my tenants in case my employees are busy with other customers.…
Employee theft: Has it happened to you?
Over 37% of employee theft is committed by a manager. The average time fraud lasts before being detected is 2 years. Men steal from employers more than women. Seems like it's a big problem in general, how about in self-storage? Click here to read all eye-opening stats!
Walk Thru Issue on Android
I can not get the 2nd or 3rd set of units in the Walk Thru to come up. When i click on 101-201 or the next set are my RV spots, it will only load the first 100 units
Review of Lease Agreements
I don't know if this question is allowed. I am looking for a new company or firm to review our rental agreements out here in California. Does anybody know of any good ones to look into? Thanks in advance!
SiteLink myHub Adds Day-to-Day Tablet Functions [Press Release]
Go mobile, run your business on tablets, smartphones, PCs and Macs SiteLink, the global leader in cloud-based software and payment processing for storage operations of all sizes, has released a new version of SiteLink myHub, the browser-based companion to SiteLink Web Edition self-storage management software. The…
MAY 2017 POLL: How often do you run a promotion?
This poll is now closed.
Rent and Coverage Days Apart
Good Morning, I have noticed so far on a few of my clients when i process their credit card that the coverage and rent are anywhere from 1 to 5 days apart. has anyone else experienced this?
About IVR Technology
NSF Checks in Sitelink
I had a tenant with a bounced check. When I went in to the NSF reversal screen to input this as an NSF check it let me click on a check from 2011 and do the payment reversal on that check. When I realized what I had done I went into the correct payment and did the same thing and then went into the customer payment screen…
How to Become a Partner
Client Login
Not sure this is the best place to do it but I would really like to see client invoices be available through their login. Is this something that can be added?
Printing invoices?
I'm having trouble with invoicing. When I go to print invoices it will only show the past dues...I have it set to send invoices 10 days early thinking it would let me do it. Don't tell me I have to do the manual invoice thing...
Some say millennials usually prefer to do everything online...
Has anyone found there are certain types of tenants who are more inclined to sign an eLease than others?
Self Storage Needs A Reality Chacke
We have promos all over the place .How does a 30 year old facility competes with a modern day facility? If the customer has nothing but trash, How does that compare with a customer that has Ethan Allan?
Diet fads and eating trends, do they work?
Every week there seems to be a new diet or food trend sponsored by celebrity chefs, food bloggers or friends and family. Some have come and gone over the years with mixed results. I've started a list of currently popular ones. Or, maybe you remember one from the past that seemed great at the time... Paleo diet: Think…