Scheduled Auctions With blnAuction = True
Hi there, can anyone give me hits on fetching units against a location id which has blnAuction set to true? Actually I have to show units which are scheduled for auction in sitelink. I am able to fetch units against a location ID, but I have to further narrow down units which only has blnAuction set to true
Music playing in the hallways
Some facilities have the ability to pipe in music throughout. Is it a good idea, and do the tenants like it? What kind of music do you play? Maybe silence is better, what do you think?
FEBRUARY 2018 POLL: Why do you offer tenant insurance/protection plans at your store?
You may have more than one answer, choose the most important one!
Business Accounts
Good Afternoon, How does your business register business accounts in your records? How do you verify the business (i.e. must have business check or credit card), how is the business listed in your records (ABC Shredders or John Doe)? Do you have any additional procedures at move-in?
Prorations not working correctly
The proration's are not being calculated correctly. At first I thought they were all being based on 28 day months, even though I have the them set at 30 day months in the company setup. But it turns out that they seem to be calculating differently even between tenants. When you use the proration calculator, set the date in…
Adding Recurring Fee-ex.Processing Fee
Can I add another recurring fee to an individual tenants account, other than the monthly rent fee? Such as a monthly Credit Card Processing fee to be automatically added when my Auto Payment Cards are run, or do I just incorporate it into their monthly rent fee?
Auto Bank Payments
Where do I enter a tenants bank information for auto pay?
WEBINAR Q&A: The Secret to Increasing Self-Storage Income and Asset Value
Below is the list of Answers to the Questions asked during the February 21, 2018 Industry Webinar with Peggy Lovejoy from G5. If you missed the webinar you may watch it on-demand from the SiteLink website. Q. What are some of the best ways to grab someone’s attention on our website? We’re concerned about bounce rate –…
WEBINAR 2/21/18: The Secret to Increasing Self-Storage Income and Asset Value
Marketing: The Secret to Increasing Self-Storage Income and Asset Value With Peggy Lovejoy of G5 February 21, 2018 Increase your self storage asset value and net operating income by increasing your digital marketing conversions, leads and revenue. Did you miss this exciting webinar? Click the link below to watch the…
Happy Valentine's Day, Ya'll....
Would love to hear everyone's awesome wins...or awesome fails...for the ghost of Valentine's past and present! Hope today is awesomely fantastic for all!!!
Too many gadgets...
Congratulations January 2018 SiteLink Certified Professionals!
2018 is off to a great start with many StorageForum users newly certified. Congratulations to everyone who completed the courses and is now a SiteLink Certified Professional! **In these monthly announcements, we're recognizing SiteLink Certified Professionals who are also registered on StorageForum** Certifications in…
SiteLink Launches Certified Professional Training Program
Groundbreaking training course will educate users and recognize proficiency in SiteLink self-storage management software SiteLink, the global leader in cloud-based software and payment processing for storage operations of all sizes, introduces the “SiteLink Certified Professional” program for users of the award-winning…
Charge Batch
Hello, Does anyone know of a way to access a log of what date a batch was charged? The actual "batch charge" date, not the invoice date. Thanks.
Hello, Is there a way to move a tenant into multiple units all at once? I just had one moving into 11 different units and had to click on & edit each unit individually - an hour later I'd love a solution! Any help would be great. Thanks!!
Chinese New Year - The Year of the Dog
Happy Chinese New Year! Did you know it's the Year of the Dog? Other dog years are 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 So according to Chinese tradition, if you're a dog you are "Honest and loyal. Dogs are the truest friends and most reliable partners." I have to agree! Anyone celebrate Chinese New Year?
SBOA Insurance page printing issue
I've never run across this issue but now at a site i just took over there is an issue where when we do leases and print the insurance paperwork via the move in screens a majority of the information that involves keywords end up being a solid black bar across the most of that line. We have to go into the payment screen and…
Outlook - express click yes and the redemption.dll fix
Has anyone in the group found this to be a problem or are there fixes I am unaware of? Express click yes will not work with Windows 10, Even the pro version you pay for. The Redemption.dll fix works if your version of Outlook is 32bit, but only until Microsoft sends down an update, sometimes for Office or sometimes…
Multiple employees with same initials
Hey guys! Have you ran into the problem of having employees with the same initials? If so, how did you differentiate them in SiteLink so when notes are left you know who they are from?
tenant screen additional and alternate
What is the difference between an additional address and alternate - how do we get additional people on the lease?
Best In Show - will it be the border collie or the pug?
The Westminster Dog Show is wrapping up this eve in New York, I like to watch a little bit and see which pooch wins. Last year, it was a German shepherd named Rumor. Anyone else a fan?
Cremains (ashes) in abandoned or auctioned units?
What have folks done with cremains or ashes found in storage units?
Collating Lease Agreements and other Documents Generated in Sitelink
I am looking for assistance on how to collate documents as they are printed for site link. For example if I print two lease agreements, our printer currently prints them each page twice. This forces me to have to separate the document into two piles (containing one of each page). Is there a way to collate them as they are…
What do you look for when buying containers?
Whether you're in the self storage or portable storage industry, what things do you take into consideration when looking to purchase containers for your business?
Going Truely Paperless
How many of you are going completely paperless....and not just leases ? If you are, how are you storing non-lease documents electronically...are you using eSign or other methods ? Please share
How to move in a multi-unit tenants using a single lease for all units with eSign ?
Is it possible to a multi-unit tenant using a single lease that can be eSigned ? In Sitelink ...do you have to do each tenant and lease separately ? The only work around seems to be to use the "Put Tenants in Units"....where this assigns all the units to a single tenant. But what about the lease....can you issue a single…
Third "type" of account?
Does anyone know if there is a way to set up a third type of account for a tenant? Currently the only options I see are commercial and residential on the tenant screen.
Capitola Storage's newest addition... Baby Asher! born on 01-31-18
Congrats to Josh, proud new father of a happy & healthy baby boy! Asher Emanuel Nathan, born January 31st. 6 lbs. 5 oz.
Proposed self-storage facility at former Mountain View Elementary School site [Article]
Over the objections of nearby residents, the Cobb Planning Commission Tuesday recommended approval of a climate-controlled self-storage facility at the former Mountain View Elementary School site. The vote was 4-1, with planning commissioner Thea Powell opposed. The 105,340-square foot building has been added to a…
Can't Think Of Anything New To Attract Customers
Is anyone out there been through a time like this at some point in your storage career?