Why is the collections screen so inadequate to complete the job?
Of all the areas the collections is the worst as far as accessing the tools i need to complete the tasks needed to collect. for example.....i can't do an overlock or lock out of gate because no ledger settings....many times i have to do that manually so i have to go back put to payment screen...also no tasks or…
Skagit Self Storage
We are a new business, can someone please tell me how you do your Past Due Calls? How often do you call? We are in Washington State. Thank You for you help.
Removing Walk in's
Does anyone know how to "walk back" the number of walk ins in sitelink? We accidentally added too many at close and now the system is showing us to be far too high.
Hello and thank you for helping us. We would like to return to our current tenants the amount of their security deposit made when moving in.What is the exact path to get this done? Appreciated. Thanks a lot.
How do I add new units to existing system. We are adding additional units to existing units and I need to number them in system
Lease/Contract Number
Somewhere in the past, the lease number was changed under the ledger settings for a tenant. I have gone back and changed every tenant back to the origianl lease number defaults by the software. It will not change back for any new lease that is started. The number goes back to the inccorect number. Help! The incorrect…
Past due schedule - feature request
Every company we have worked for we put in our own past due email schedule in that we made years ago. It would be nice when creating something in the past due schedule if we had the option of selecting the predefined email template it uses. We can select the desired form to attach automatically but the last step to sending…
Issue with deposits not matching reciepts
So my management summary is not showing my Deposits matching my Payment receipts, How can I determine where this issue is coming from. is there a report I can run to find out if something was missed?
Termination of rental agreement in California
We recently ended a rental agreement with a man who has been breaking the rules, been warned and continues to break them anyway. We gave him ten days and only during office hours, for ten days he showed up at 4:30 and gave us grief about needing more time in his day to organize it for vacating. On the tenth day he showed…
When the 1st of the month falls on a weekend
I'm new to sitelink and have only been processing payments for a few months. I noticed today my payments did not process like usual. Is it because the first of the month is on a weekend day? Should I just wait until Monday for them to process or do it manually?
Lien Fees as a percentage of rent
For several years my company has requested that the lien fees be allowed to be set as a percentage instead of just a flat rate. Similar to the late fee where you can choose a flat amount or a percentage of rent. Has anyone else requested this. The logix behind our reasoning is that a percentage amount would be more…
Security and Locks. Please advise.
A few months ago i began requiring everyone to have a disc lock as opposed to standard (sub-standard) locks. To the degree that tenants pay attention to me and do not lie to me then ignore me, this has been fairly helpful at reducing break-ins. However, after curbing things for a while, now these criminals are now just…
Temporally Turning off Auto-Pay
We occasionally
have Tenants ask to turn off auto pay until a certain date. We advised this
will possibly cause a late fee (depending on date). We leave a note on desk or set
a reminder on SiteLinks. Does anyone
else have this request by Tenants? Could
it be possible for Sitelinks to have an option to automatically turn…
Change prices for new customers only
I am hoping someone here can help me. The owners here have raised the invoice. late, pre lien and lien fees for new tenants. Is there a way to just put it in the system for new tenants to not charge old tenants the new rate because we have to give a 30 day notice with any changes before those prices can take effect for the…
Signing off from StorageForum temporarily
Hey StorageForum users! Just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a break from monitoring the forum and be offline on maternity leave starting March 6 and returning end of May. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to @Eric_Lewis or @Jessica_Community with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. :)
Climate Control
Hi Guys - Seriously considering putting up a climate control building. I'm wondering what the pros/cons are. Things to avoid? Things that work best? Thanks.
Is there no Contents Report/Tax Reports????
Sitelink tech support has been absolutely no help since their big merge with Sparefoot so I'm reaching out here. One of our properties in Texas is primarily boat/rv storage. In Texas we are required to charge a sales tax on vehicles. As I'm doing an audit, to be sure we are charging tenants tax that need tax I am wanting…
Tenant received 3 month free rent. How do I change it so he will start getting charged
What is the best method?
How do you go about getting reviews from customers? What are some ways that you persuade your customers to leave reviews? We have been told many things by different people and from my understanding we are not supposed to ask and we are not supposed to offer anything for leaving a review. I would send the link in our…
Gate Controller
Anyone using the INSOMNIAC CIA gate controller? How do you like it Pro's/Con's? Or what cloud base controller are you using? Thanks
Auto Pay Card expiration date notices
We run on anniversary date here, but my sister properties run on the 1st of the month, I want my expiration date letters to auto populate 30 days before the anniversary date, not 30 days before the 1st. Is this possible? I was told by my admin that he couldn't change it for my location. I think he can, but didn't want to…
Multiple Units Online Payments
When a tenant pays online with multiple units do they have to process each payment separately? I have several tenants with multiple units and there have been issues not paying all of them or commenting it is a pain to have to go through the payment process multiple times. This seems to be with ACH payments?
Reversing an NSF reversal?
Hello. So I was under the impression that the only way to reverse a payment was via NSF reversal (without all the NSF stuff checked). I reversed a credit card transaction today, but it is still showing up on my ledger as a processed payment, and it is still showing up on the website. I attempted to void the receipt and now…
New Computer
How do I download the Sitelink Software, We had a computer crash and I cannot find the download and I am not getting a link sent. The Original link I was sent years ago is no longer valid. I guess I am either looking in the wrong area or it is just something that I cannot get.?.?.?. My facility has been down for 2 days now…
Online rentals and esigning tips
The company I work for will be going paperless in the next week or so, as well as doing online rentals, i have been watching the training videos from sitelink to get an idea of it all, but i wanted to ask you guys if you have tips or certain things to look out for, as well as maybe telling me what was the hardest things to…
2FA integration?
Owner of the company... would benefit from a PCI compliant 2 Factor authentication system, considering he has 3 base passwords he can remember. His current password for SL is... not secure. Does anyone know of a PCI compliant solution to this situation? I am aware of password managers(I use Lastpass), but I'm wondering…
Okay - How often does this happen to you?
Me: "Sally, your debit card is being declined due to lack of funds."Sally: "Well, did you try taking it out on the 1st?"Me: "No. The 1st was a Sunday, so we attempted to take it out on the 2nd."Sally: "Well, the money was there on the 1st. It's not my fault if you didn't take it out on the 1st. I don't have any more money…
Partial Payments
How does everyone handle the partial payment situation with tenants, we do not make money on promises. If a payment like that is made and nothing else is paid wouldn't you have to resend a cert letter, or re lien them ??
Update Information
Does anyone have an update information letter they use? We have a few tenants who's phone numbers have been disconnected for a while and I was wondering if anyone had any kind of form for this? Thank you =)
Outdoor Storage
How does everyone handle outdoor storage? It’s so hard to tell if someone moved their RV/boat out or just took it out for a small trip and will be back. Any ideas or suggestions on making it easier to figure out?