How can I print a POS receipt (non tenant) based on the receipt number?
I had a POS purchase that was not connected to a tenants unit, and I'd like to go back and print the receipt. I do have the number of that receipt. Thank you in advance for any assistance
Hi the owner here is thinking about allowing online payments soon. We were wondering if you could lock certain people out from making online payments? We have it to where once they are in the auction process it is cash or money order only. We have had people pay by card and then cancel the payment once they emptied their…
Costly glitch in software
I was wondering if anyone had experienced my costly issue with the software (or even worse are experiencing it and are not aware). When I opened my 300 unit facility one year ago, I set up my credit card processing with my large regional bank. Unknown to me, a fraud filter that is preset by the processor at 100…
Upgrade Required message After today's required Automatic Live Update
This morning when I logged on, there was an "Required, Automatic Launch Live Update", so I clicked the usual, "Next" "accept Terms & Next" (I had updated yesterday, as I do every Monday Morning) Ever since the mandatory Live Update, the attached message keeps popping up. I have clicked on the 'OK" to "automatically Launch…
How do I select specific units for a mailing?
I have a construction project going on in one area of my business, and want to send a message to the units adjacent to the construction. How do I accomplish that?
Edit prorated amount
Just curious if you can edit the proration amount manually? I had a tenant move out and we don't normally prorate the rent if you move out earlier than rent is up. In this instance I was going to return to them $50 but proration is $82.50.
Safety First - HiVis
We all basically work in giant parking lots when out of the office. Posted signage is probably about 10-15 km/h (that's 6-10 m/h for my American friends out there). When you are out on the lot cleaning, showing lockers, doing lock check do you wear a high visibility vest? Is this something that is enforced where you work…
Cleaning up after your customer moves out
How or do you charge your departing tenant when they leave a big mess in their unit when they move out? Most tenants move out over the phone or by email or some just leave in the dark of night. Only about 10% come into the office. Our goal is to inspect the units but with a staff of one (most days) inspection of move outs'…
move out multiple units mid month
Transfer Unit
Hello everyone, so I have a tenant who rents 4 units, they recently made a reservation with our answering service. However instead of creating the reservation under the current tenant information, they created a new tenant with their information, I only noticed this afterword. So I am wondering if there is a way to…
HOW MUCH do you charge for your cleaning deposit when auctioning off a unit? HOW DOES this work? Is everyone charged a deposit up front? And then all the money is given back afterwards? IVE NEVER DONE ONE SO I have a few questions! If you are doing an ad.. Is this done AFTER the locks are cut? Or do you just always put a…
Privacy Policy
Just curious do any of you use a privacy policy notice for your tenants; if so would you share it ? As well; do you have ant data breach notices that you give to tenants.
Corporate Control Center Log-In Issues.
Hello, We seem to be having issues trying to get our GM logged-in to the Corporate Control Center. We have tried everything as far as re-entering information, being made an Administrator, etc. Nothing seems to be working. Any help would be great. Thanks,
moving out/back in
If someone was moved out but it was an accident is it possible to void in any way ? This was done a couple days ago so a close out would have already been done.
How often does it get done?
I'm curious how often vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, etc get done in your office? What is your policy?
Going paperless
In today's age of going paperless I was wondering if any facilities have done any in Sitelink or outside Sitelink To have customers sign their leases electronically and store the records digitally.
I have used the Exit Survey in CRM before years ago but found it cumbersome to find the actual completed surveys, so I stopped using it. I'd like to start again but have a few questions. I see it in my Form Setup and in the CRM; however, where is the actual survey? Can I edit the survey? Is there an easy way to find the…
Speaking of Paperless...
There is another discussion about going paperless that I didn't want to hijack, so here is another question: We still keep leases and some (signed) credit card receipts in hard copy, but the facility owner is trying to be more paperless. Does anyone know of a way to use a signature pad with Sitelink for something like…
Sometimes when I move in a new tenant it doesn't prorate them for the month. It wants to charge full price . Any body else have this problem, or could tell me where the proration settings are.
After auction may I take tenant to small claims court for outstanding rent due on unit
Disabling Marketing on Lead to Lease.
Hello, Does anyone know how to disable the required marketing when making a reservation? We have it implemented for move-ins but don't really want it to be required when making a reservation. Thanks,
Merging Units in Sitelink Help
So at my property we have several units that are 10x20s that have dual entry. So the front is one # and the back is another. For example the front might be 24 but the back door is 65. In our system we have a name for unit #25 but it shows 65 as empty. Is there anyway to merge those units in sitelink so that "65" isn't…
Automatic Online AVS?? Anyone else running into this problem?
Our storage facility brand new and completely virtual. Tenants sign up
and pay using our website. The website then sends the information over to site link which automatically
assigns them gate access and processes the first payment. The issue we have
found is that the first transition is not AVS verified and therefor is…
Online payments/accounts & password restrictions
I just had a new customer come by with issues creating the online SMD account for payments etc. He kept getting a failure to register message and didn't know why. He wants to use a randomly generated 30 character password, and it seems that is the problem. I used a simpler password and created his account. He's a software…
OK so I have a lady who has moved out and has let me know that she cant get the rest of her things and that we can do what we want with them. I do have this in writing with the date. (abandoning her things). So my question is what is my process? Can I auction? If so what are the steps in this predicament? If it is an…
Reminders Section on Home Screen
Under the Reminders section on the home screen I have a subtopic "Service Required" listed with a 1. I assume one item requires some type of service. Clicking on Service Required takes me to the Modify Units page. Can't find anything on this screen that needs service. What am I missing?
Im not sure if everywhere is different, but for here it asks about insurance and there is an insurance sign up form paper. I see on the payment page there is a place for an insurance charge, but I Have no idea on how to add it or if I even can.
SiteLink Facility Map
Is there a way to print out the facility map, without having the color coded unit status on it?
Scheduled move out & someone wants to move in
I have a scheduled move out for Monday & I have a lady ready to pay & move in, how do I go about putting her into the computer to be ready to move her in when he's out? Is that something that I can do? have her in the computer ready to go and just move her in as soon as he's out? I saw a lead to lease? is that what I would…