Reprint Moveout
I need to reprint a move out sheet for our files and I am not sure how to do this, is it possible?
Sitelink Closed on Saturday ??
Called the usual number for Sitelink Tech Support, pressed 2 for Tech Support, was passed to Sparefoot whose recording said we're closed and please leave your message. Interesting, but al least I didn't have to listen to their awful "waiting" music.
Setting up gmail smtp
Anyone on today by chance who might know the answer to this headache? Just got up to our new site in Oregon and when i'm trying to set up their email i'm getting the "cannot connect to remote server" error. Something i've noticed is they have the wrong port # listed but no matter how many times I type in 587 and hit "ok"…
Follow Friday!
Are you following Storable on social media? If not, please do! You can find @storableinc on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We'd love to follow your companies back -- please drop your link(s) in the comment thread below! :)
Updating Forms Used at Two Locations
I'm in process updating forms at Site 1 which will also be used at Site 2. How do I get the updated forms to Site 2 without copying them from Site 1 then opening Site 2 and pasting them into the Forms area? Thanks.
How do I return a unit back to its original form?
Currently have an occupied 20x10 unit made up of combining
two 10x10 units and renting it at a 20x10 price. Tenant now only needs one of the 10x10s. How do I 1) split the unit back into two 10x10s;
2) renumber the “new “second 10x10; and 3) move the available rent back to the 10x10
the tenant will be occupying? Thanks.
Fun at Work Day! - Take Two
UPDATED ON 2/11/2021 Hi, all. In the midst of making sure I communicated the most up-to-date information regarding yesterday’s outage, I accidentally republished this post (from 1/31/2021). All things considered, this error had pretty bad timing, but today is a new day, and yes - let’s have some fun! The same rules apply:…
Emailing Reports
I am having trouble emailing reports. 0 sent, 1 failed. Can anyone test that feature for me. It has always worked in the past. Thanks Julie
Hello from your new moderator!
Hi, everyone! I’m Amy C. and I’m your new moderator. Some of you may have seen my recent comments, but I wanted to more formally introduce myself and on behalf of Storable, thank you all for your continued participation within this forum. Special thanks go to @i43storage, @ESS, @MamaDuke7, @GoGreen, @Orkocean, and others…
Form Set up in Sitelink
Hello everyone, I was hoping there's a way to do this and someone can clue me in. I am re-doing some forms in sitelink. I would like to be able to add the amount of days past due a tenant is to a few different forms. I have tried a few keywords but can't figure it out for the life of me or if its even possible. EX: Your…
Putting a picture in the Notes section ??
Does Sitelink have the capability to upload a picture into the Notes section of a tenant's account? Case in point - Although our lease states to the contrary, we have a tenant who frequently stores items, in this case buckets of rocks, outside of her trailer in her parking space. Before moving forward from a phone or email…
Good Morning, Sitelink was holding webinars every couple of weeks starting last March 2020. Those stopped in November because of the holidays. When will they start up again? Thank you, Diane
Is SL down right now? I can't log in. And saw someone post on FB that all of their facilities are experiencing problems and that SL crashed. 33 properties in 6 states. I am getting so frustrated with SiteLink. I am not sure what the issues are but the crowds are rumbling.
Correcting Units Listed on the Walk-Thru Report
We have several units on the walk-thru report with inaccurate information, i.e., incorrect unit designation and units listed that are no longer part of the property. For example C214 (doesn't exist; should be B214); B214 is not on list. We lost ten parking spaces due to a city ordinance that required parking spaces to be…
Sending Registered Emails from Siteling through Rmail
We use RMail to send Registered Email's to our Tenants for Past due Notices and Lien Notices. This verifies Proof of Delivery as well as Proof of Receipt and Opened by Recipient. It would be nice if Sitelink Web Edition allowed us to send Rmail on any or all Forms that we choose. Right now, the only letters that allow us…
Tenant Notes - Delete?
Is there a way to delete a note you put in a tenant's account if you made a mistake?
Tenant Refunds of Pre-Payments
We had a tenant that payed 12 months to get the 13th free... then vacated the space about a month later. (this was a year ago). Then same tenant rented again (2 units) , paid 12 months in advance on both and vacated in the 1st or second month. The owner asked to reach out on this forum to see how other managers handled…
Fun at Work Day!
Today is Fun at Work Day! To help y'all celebrate (myself included), we're giving away Amazon gift cards to the first 10 commenters on this post. Please comment to secure your spot and then, message me (@storable_support) with your email address, so I know where to send the gift card.
It's National Get To Know Your Customers Day!
Today is National Get To Know Your Customers Day! Of all the social media holidays, today's our favorite and we'd love to use it as an opportunity to have some fun and great conversation. If you could share a cup of coffee with anyone, who would it be? Answer in the comments and a virtual cup o' Joe may find its way to…
Set up for Future Move in but tenant already moved in
How do I remove a future move in date from a Unit. The tenant moved in 3-12-18 and it says future move in date 3-24-18 (because I was trying to change his billing date at the time of move in from the 12th to 24th per tenant request) Now his unit shows up a dark blue color and his payment for initial move in on 3-12-18 is…
Walk up kiosk usage.
We have an INSOMNIAC 900 kiosk which receives very, very limited usage. Every time I clean the screen I talk with Megan, but other than that she's lonesome. If you have something similar how popular is it with your customers?
Audit trail for price reduction of parking space.
A parking space price has been reduced from $69.00 to $38.04 by "someone". Looked in Notes, Ledger, and Rate Changes but can't find the "someone". Any suggestions?
Is sitelink down right now?
My computer is just sitting at the sitelink log in. Restarted computer and still can't open sitelink. Is is down?
Payment screen changed on only one machine? What happened, how to put it back?
Got a message from one of our employees that on Sunday the payment screen changed. She couldn't add a 6 or 12 Month discount without manually adding the additional periods. Just the day before the screen didn't even have the add periods button, and when adding the prepaid discount it always automatically added 6 or 12…
Daily close
I was told to never do a daily close. we are in our office only 3 days a week between 10-2pm. How does this affect the numbers? Not sure why either?
Does anyone have a Parking lease they can share?
Does any one have a Parking/Vehicle lease you would share? Would greatly appreciate it.
Leaky roofs
Hello all, I am a manager for a facility in West Chester, OH. The new owner just took over about 3 months ago and we are both new to the business. Just recently I had a tenant show me his unit where, after a heavy rain, the roof leaked and rain got into his unit, getting several pieces of electronics wet. I was wondering…
Concessions Report
Is there a specific concessions report I can pull from Corporate Control? Also, what is everything included in "Concessions"?
Printing up address labels
Hello. We are sending out Christmas cards to some of our tenants and were wondering what's the best way to select some tenants and print up their address labels. We were able to figure out a way last year but I've forgotten how to haha. Does anybody have an advice?
can the auto bill tenants be removed form the call late tenant list?
Would like to remove auto bill tenants from the call late tenant list? Tenants are irate if they get an unnecessary call.