Refunds on Gate Key
We have a special key that is made for the lock on the Rv gate and upon move-in we ask for a Refundable deposit of $25. If a tenant does not return the key, ex. my tenant vacated in september and said he would drop the key off but has not as of this date. How long do I wait before dismissing as unowed?
storlogix multiple unit lock out
My tenant who is up to date on 2 of his current units, came in and rented another but didnt need it until the 1st of the month to store his vehicle. signed lease, paid all set. except now the gate code is locked until the move in date of the new unit, he couldnt access his any of his units. Why? how to fix? I changed it to…
Renting to a person without a car....can we deny them?
Hello everyone, I believe I seen this question asked before and I can't seem to find it. My question is, I'm in CT is it legal to deny renting to someone that doesn't have a car? We currently have a few tenants that have no cars (homeless) and lately its been one huge issue after another. Unfortunately the local police are…
Is anyone else having an ongoing issue with the AVS? Any suggestions on a fix?
Everytime we have an update it throws my AVS out of whack. It says addresses are incorrect but they aren't.
Customer Goods Legal Liability
Just curious as to the amount of coverage you have on Customer Goods Legal Liability for your facility and if you've had to use your insurance for a claim.
Tenant refusing to pay for damage
We have a tenant that has 2 spaces-one inside that normally houses a boat and one outside that houses a camper. The tenant caused significant damage to the inside unit when pulling out and the unit is currently unusable (however she is still paying for the unit). She is unable/unwilling to pay for the damage to the inside…
Why are two of our tenants generating a cc email?
We do *not* have "Always BCC Site" selected under our E-Mail Setup, yet for two of our tenants, every time SiteLink sends out a Past Due Notice or an Invoice, we get a copy of the message in our office Inbox. I've searched & searched, but cannot find where these two tenants have a different configuration than the other…
How old does someone need to be
How old does someone need to be to rent a unit? I'm in Fla
Need to Change My Standard Rates
Rental Increases are coming Up, need to change my Standard Rates but I'm not sure exactly where to do that?
Move out for tenant with multiple units.
We have a tenant with 2 units, she has not yet paid her rents for the month. She has vacated one of the units. How do I move her out with money still owing? Can I separate the units and then show her move out?
Reservation notifications for multiple phone numbers?
@storable_support is there a way to set up reservation notifications so that they go to multiple phone numbers? The reason I ask is because, right now, our office line (a cell) picks up all incoming reservation notifications via phone call and email. We'd like to be able to have these same notifications reach our other…
How are you handling SMS Opt-In for tenants?
How are you giving tenants the option to Opt-in for text messaging?
New eFile and E File Management
Trying to help a tenant with esign. I have two facilities. When I go to My Hub eFile Management and can only see the documents for one location. Any tips, tricks or work arounds? Thanks
Predefined Messages Emails
Is there a way to add letters or form emails to the Predefined Messages, or is this a higher function for the RM's and such?
New E-Sign Sucks!
I don't know what Storable was thinking when they took away the ability to use signature pads for the E-sign. This "new" update is horrible! It has made the process extremely difficult and now what used to take less than 5 minutes now takes over 10 minutes. I am so disappointed with this update and wish we could go back to…
Website Companies
Which website company do you all use for your storage company?
New eSign
Not. A. Fan. The prior eSign for leases was quick and easy. Why update something that worked just fine? This new version is a little more complex, and more time consuming. We don't use a signature pad, but do signing on a touch-screen laptop. Apparently, now we have to do the text-font option instead of a customer…
How do you configure your auction day?
I am on anniversary date, we do our auctions online with Storage Treasures (just started) we do our lock cuts in house. Do you have a predetermined date to sell, or do you count the days from day 45? Do you have multiple dates listed in the same month? I know we can sell after day 58, but is there a chart that you use to…
Acquisition Cost For Storage Tenants
Hello Everyone! I was wondering what the standard acquisition cost was for a storage customer? What is your current acquisition cost? Thank you all for the feedback!~
I'm finding the new e-sign more cumbersome than than the previous version. I've used the Topaz signature pad for in office rentals with no issues, yet it's support in the new e-sign has been discontinued:/ Why? Also, customers seem to be needing more help with the sign steps with online rentals. The update seems to have…
Insurance question
How can we move a new tenant in with out having insurance added. The box has permant check mark. we unchecked the insurance last week with sitlink techs in set up but the problem is not remedied
Unit Push Rate/Tenant Rate Optimizers
Hello my fellow Storage Manager, Operator, Rolley Chair warrior. I was wondering if any wisdom could be shed on these two tools and how you've found them benefiting, or the opposite for your site? I'm in the process of overhauling/automating 2 storage facilities for this company and my background comes from…
Manager Safety
Managers often work alone, especially at smaller facilities. How do you protect the safety of your managers? Female managers working alone are of particular concern.
Sitelink Software Owner Payment Database possibly Compromised
I personally own and operate a small storage facility and received an alert that my credit card had been compromised. I ONLY use this credit card to pay for my monthly invoice from Sitelink Software LLC in Austin, TX. ($255.27/month) for using their web edition software. There has been no additional charges or account…
Storlogix text messaged all of my customers without permission
So, over the weekend all my customers were texted by Storlogix Cloud (PTI), letting them know they can download an app (EasyCode) to open the gates. This was done without my knowledge/permission. We do not offer EasyCode at my location because it presents a whole host of other problems. I have had to field several phone…
Aged Receivables
Is there a report where I can find a list of my tenants that are 61-90 days late? Corporate is asking for a way to pull a report that shows this to them.
Move in discounts not transferring
Has anyone else had an issue with move in special discounts not transferring when tenant needs to upgrade to a new size? We have 2nd and 3rd month 25% off, transferred to larger unit on same day but discount disappears. Support's suggestion was to do a manual credit. But all employees are not authorized to issue credits.…
How do a reset up invoices to go out for all tenants at same time?
When I go to settings to set up how many days out to send invoices, it doesn't set it up for each tenant. I have to go into each tenants ledger settings and change it. Thanks
m4s marketing for storage website
Anyone using M4S for your website? Please share your experience good or bad
Regarding California Lien Laws: how long do you allow someone to go before you auction the unit?
Our company has always had a 90 day policy, we do a 30 day pre-lien and then a 45 day Lien notification but we are told to give it another 45 days from there, it has come to my attention that we are doing it wrong, according to the law we only have to wait until they are 58 days late to sell? Can anyone tell me how they…