Password box missing
Before I left for 3 wk medical leave after the last update, this is how our login boxes looked like in SiteLink and MyHub. I figured it would have been repaired by now. You have to click the Login box for it to pop up the Password box in Red like you entered the wrong one and only Then can you enter your Password. (Sorry…
Wants their unit weeks after the auction....
Two auction scenarios (sold 3 weeks ago & all steps followed) - what would you do? 1. In woman's name, she goes to jail so husband steps in & pays for a year. Follow auction process (I give 8 full weeks notice), sending emails, text messages to both #'s, etc. Husband calls to say he will have it paid before auction. I…
Keypad and Gate Access
Good morning. What kind of gate system does your company use?
Locking multiple tenants out of gate
Is there a way to lock multiple tenants from accessing the gate at once with one click, like when you overlock? I'm having to go in and manually one at a time lock them out of gate.
RECAP: The California Self-Storage Association (CSSA) Summit
Say hi to SiteLink's Markus Hecker at the 13th Annual Self Storage Owners Summit, July 20 in scenic Newport Beach! The speaker lineup looks very exciting and includes a CEO Super Session and a Strategy and Investment Panel. *Check out the details*
How to disable ACH or taking a check for a tenant
when a tenant has multiple nsf checks I want to be able to disable taking a check from them or them being able to do a ACH transaction on-line Is there a way?
How to add Predefined Messages to "Send SMS Message"?
I'm at a lost on trying to create Predefined Messages.
How to make SMS visible in forms?
I'm going to be using SelfStorageSMS. I have finished setting everything up and waiting for our number to receive carrier approval. IDs are posted in the SMS setup and verified. I'm trying to make the SMS appear in Company > Forms. It is not.
I am having my first auction tomorrow. What do I do if a unit does not sell?
How can I modify one size of a group of units in a full batch?
Back in 2016 someone set my site up backwards in that they listed units by width and length backwards, i.e. 10x5, when they are actually 5x10. How can I choose all my 10x5's and change them to 5x10's? I know I will probably have to reconfigure them on my map too.
Online payments when a tenant is past due
Is there a way to change settings in sitelink so that when a tenant is past due by 2 months they can still make a payment. My tenant wanted to pay the full balance online but it didn't let her because she was past due 2 months and was denied and it said to contact the office
Multiple Logins
When can sitelink make it available for one login?! You would think that sitelink would have the ability to make it where you could login one time and then select your locations, as you can do from the mobile app. This new password set up is no different than when you typed in the location and password before. Time wise…
Is there a way to EDIT proof of insurance without canceling?
Am I missing something? Tenants are updating their expired proof of insurance and the only method I am finding is to cancel proof entirely click on OK, click on the next OK, say yes to taking another payment, go back into the tenant insurance section, and create the policy number and all of the info again. Why can't I just…
Is there an auction solution?
Florida Statutes require a 75-day auction process from providing
late notice to auctioning the unit. On
Day 38 of the process, we drill the lock and take pictures. This is our first time to see what’s in the
locker. We find everything from a full
locker to a locker with one or two items in it. Last week we found a unit…
Proof of Insurance
We are trying to add the tenants Proof of Insurance. Once we fill everything out the info required on the right we click "Create New Proof". Select Okay. Select Okay to complete Transaction. After refreshing the application we go to check to see if the information is saved. It's still blank. How do you create a New Proof?
New Lease Pushed Out to All Existing Tenants Anyone?
Any operators who have pushed out a new lease to existing
Tenants? We are planning to do so
(already have new renters using the new lease) but need to get everyone on the
new Lease. I would love to understand
pros/cons/best practices from what your experience was in doing so. Thanks,
SiteLink short cut codes
At one time I had a page of short cut codes to use when in the payment screen, one was to change to layout of the Edit Charges & Payments screen. Can anyone provide that list or tell me where I can find it?
Internet Speed
What internet speed is recommended for SiteLink? Our SiteLink always seems to be so slow.
How do I set up default insurances for unit types?
We just got set up with an insurance provider, but I don't see anyway to set default insurance coverages for different unit types. Sitelink explains how to do it here: https://storageforum.sitelink.com/discussion/3058/how-do-i-set-up-insurance-default-settings but I'm missing the Set Defaults button. Has this changed or…
How do I attach my webcam so that Sitelink Recognizes it for photos?
I have a Logitech webcam installed on my desktop computer running windows 10, and when I click on the webcam in sitelink photos, it says "attach your webcam and click start". I am missing what it takes for SiteLink to locate the camera somehow.
Out for Signature ghost
Using web edition, we have two Out for Signatures on our reminder list, however, there are no Awaiting Manager's Signature, Out for Tenant's Signature, Completed, Voided, etc. that would prompt having two on the Reminders section. How can it be cleared?
Future Rental How to Process Welcome Letter in CRM
Occasionally we process a move in with a future rental date. How do I trigger the Welcome letter to process immediately following the transaction? Also is there a way to activate the gate code at this time? Thanks Julie
Batch Report Processing~who is it for?
Every morning we run batch report processing with pre-checked forms that a former manager with our company set up when we got SiteLink. It prints a whole report, we put it in a drawer and then move the drawer to archives at the end of every month. Every year we send the 3 year old archives to shredding. I'm trying to save…
Autopay set up/new customer
Hi! Is anyone else's tenants having trouble setting up auto pay today? Our tenant tried 3 times online. Finally she came into the office and I did it from here for her.
A Tenant was moved out by an employee, and they did not print the MOVED OUT RECEIPT, How do I go back in to print this?
Double charged reservation
Usually if someone is impatient, or isn't sure their first paid reservation went through, they will do another one. When that happens, I get notifications via phone and email that reservations were made. I got a reservation notification this morning; just a single. In the Lead to Lease section, there was only a single…
How do I download our rental contract to sitelink, so that we can eliminate the paper contract?
Also, is there a generic California contract available for the purpose above?
Autobill did not run for December 1st
Just wondering if anyone else is having problems with AA processing for Dec 1st, and where to find the feature that shows if its in process, I think it was an intregration feature?Thanks so muchChuryl
Is anyone experiencing email issues when sending messages from SiteLink?
For the last 3-4 months when I send receipts by email for the automatic payments or email payment reminders, I get a message back stating "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender". Anyone experiencing anything like this or have any suggestions for a fix?
Esign Issues!!!!!!!!!
When will these issues be resolved? The first image displays duplicate leases and other forms appearing twice. The second image indicates that one out of three move-ins results in a server error. The third image shows that after completing the signing process, users are left on this screen with no option to return to the…