online payments
How come some of the online payments do not show up in my reminders? I got an email stating a certain tenant paid, but it wasn't in the reminders on the bulletin board.
March 28th update sitelink won't allow login
Cannot login to sitelink after update today.
Unpacked Newsletter
We are relaunching our industry newsletter, Unpacked, tomorrow. This newsletter is all about industry news, trends, and best practices. If you'd like to receive these emails sign up here: https://bit.ly/unpackedsignup What topics do you want to see covered in future editions?
Autopay Set-Up
98% of my property is on autopay, so it takes a LOOOOOOONG time. Is there a way to set up SiteLink to automatically run autopay at a certain time during closed hours? (I tried to select "Billing and Accounting" under the "How-To's" category, but it was unavailable.)
Sitelink access control
does the access control feature from sitelink keeps track of alarms? or will we still need to rely on our current system for that?
Can you still do a daily close for a previous day if you haven't closed for present day?
I forgot to close out 03/24/23. Can I still do a daily close for that day if I have not taken in anything for today, 03/27/23? If so how?
SiteLink and PTI interface issue.
Anybody have a good understanding on how SiteLink interacts with gate software? The situation I have is; one of my tenants was delinquent, to get paid up she wanted the unit put into her boyfriends name. No big deal, they were getting some sort of education assistance through the local college, and needed to have his name…
StorLogix question
Looking at Event Viewer the Granted Entry switched to Granted Exit mid-day and gate stopped working. No staff were on site, and nothing was changed. The gate worked fine before the change. When Tenant enters their valid pin in the keypad the message Granted Exit shows but gate does not open. Help!
What is the correct way to process a refund after tenant decided he didn't need it?
A tenant came in 2 days after signing lease, never moved in as he decided he did not need it. The owner approved refund in full amount which was prorated amount of 59.03. When trying to do a regular move out, the amount was less than owed. Was there a different way to do this? he paid with cc. But I ended up paying him in…
Year Invoicing
Hi Everyone! So, I have a lot of customers who pay yearly. So far, for the past (almost) year that I have been running SiteLink at my facility, I have been creating their invoices manually because I haven't figured out how to have a yearly invoice automatically generated. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated. :)…
SMS options
Hello, I am fairly new to Site Link and the company I work for has asked me to look into getting the ability to text to our customers. I notice there are three companies that offer this service within Site Link. Im looking for input from companies that text their customers to see which company they chose and their opinions…
Electronic Locks Update
On February 8th Sitelink released an update the the following for electronic locks was added. I have sent support a question on how this works. Needless to say they was not very helpful. If I am understanding correctly you have to open modify units, then batch edit locks and enter each lock code manually. If that is the…
Looking for reviews for SelfStorageSMS..
Looking for reviews for SelfStorageSMS.. I current have a SMS service but it does not record the return SMS message in Sitelink. So I'm looking for something that is more automated.
PTI User list
Is there a way to change the "user list" to show last name first? I have been told there is not, but I find it hard to believe something so simple is not possible. Very annoying!
Can sitelink recognize when an elease has been completed and allow tenant access to gate code?
Is there a way for Sitelink to recognize when an Elease has been completed via an online rental and allow the tenant access to their gate code?
SMS Options
Opening a new facility in a few weeks and I'd like to ask who is using SMS, what company is good to work with? And is it worth using to reach tenants? Any feedback appreciated!
Texting Two Numbers
Can we text 2 numbers with the same process as emailing 2 addresses?
For those of you that use MyHub. How long does it take for your 3-D maps to load using phone or tablet?
Any recommendations on drill out bits for cylinder locks?
We use the chateau cylinder locks and our drill out bits cost around $45 a bit... Was seeing if anyone knows of any better drill out bits that are much less and last a few drill outs. Thanks!
Selling / Buying Facility?
With all the facilities being bought/sold, what does seller/buyer need to do to transfer property operations regarding: SiteLink, sitelink payment processing (is there a report showing prepaid rent to credit to buyer?), integrated text messaging, sitelink website? I haven't seen this topic discussed before...
Help - Blocking Move-Ins
Is there any way to block old troublesome tenants from moving back in? We have a do not rent list & it seems that sometimes people are not checking it to make sure the person moving in is not on the list - so they move them in then its a gong show (again).
Where does Corporate Control Lead to Lease window go!?
Here I am buzzing along with my work using Corp Cont L2L window and then the phone rings and I "accidentally" minimize this window and it disappears!! When I go back to CC I can't find it and cannot click on anything else. The only fix I have been able to find is to Ctrl/Alt/Delete for Task Manager and find CC and End Task…
What questions do you ask a prospective tenant when they call to rent a unit?
Does your facility use a script card to answer calls or do you just wing it?
Delay in Sitelink syncing to Noke Smart Entry
I'm wondering if there is a button or ability to have Sitelink sync with Noke in real time? Right now, when a unit is rented in Sitelink the system is meant to automatically sync with Noke in real time and input all of the tenants information so they can download the app and access their unit. Currently, there seems to be…
So do we need to do anything regarding the switch to Versapay or does it just happen for us on 2/17?
BIG NEWS! New SCP course launched: SiteLink myHub
The course you've all been waiting for is now here! Announcing our 4th course in the popular SiteLink Certified Professional training and development program. Get certified in SiteLink myHub today! New enrollees welcome, simply go to training.sitelink.com to register.
Drivers License scans
Hello! One of my employees must have accidentally changed something in the settings or settings of the printer and when scanning a DL into the system from SL it only scans a tiny portion of the corner, like it was blown up... Has anyone had this problem before? Thanks in advance!
Telling a customer No
What's the best way you have to tell a person we will not rent to them? I have always found it difficult to explain to a customer that we don't want their business (Or more specifically the trouble they bring)
I have had several customers ask if we take zelle. We haven't as of yet. But thinking about it. No credit card fees sounds pretty good.
E-sign Docs optimized for mobile devices
I have had a few customers who cant seem to sign the Rental Agreement or Insurance Agreement with mobile devices. So I sent myself one to try it. These Docs are not optimized for mobile, so they are hard to read and figure out where to sign. Can @storable_support do anything on this? Thanks