Gate Access Hours for different types of units?
Is there a way to set default time zones for particular unit types? Example: We want our Boat/RV Units to always default to 24/7 Access, but our Mini Storage Units have limited access of 6am-10pm, unless they pay additional to have 24/7 access. I've found a setting in program defaults under gate defaults to adjust the…
User groups
Does SiteLink have user groups? That's where users (that's us) annually get together and discuss issues and ideas. I've been involved with user groups over the years with my profession and it really helps to get points across. Power in numbers!! It's a time when owners get in the same room and discuss challenges with the…
Resident position
Have a position going to be opening up in Stockton, CA. On site residence, budget truck rentals. Couples preferred but open to singles.
The Tenant From Hell!!!
I just wanted to alert other self-storage facilities in Davis County, Utah, of a tenant who has been kicked out of many self-storage facilities, doesn't pay, has a red lock key, mounds up huge stacks of useless junk, drags his trailer in and sleeps in it by his units, drilled out the lock we gave him. We evicted him and he…
Is anyone else having trouble with posting comments? Every time I try to post a comment, a little box shows up stating it will post after approval. Can anyone think of anything that would cause this? Thank you
Unit use ideas or promotion??
Hey all, So imagine you have a room full of 5 x 5 x 5 units...what would you do to get them rented?? We can't seem to think of anything other then taking the tops off and making it band space since it is in the basement. Any thoughts on what you would do?
Can you tell me if there is
a way to change the date "Call Past Dues" shows up in the reminders? Thanks.
500 Error - E-Sign Lease
Anyone ever got a 500 error on the computer or tablet when you generate a lease for a tenant to sign ? Or have you ever got a 500 error when the tenant already signed the lease and it is waiting for a managers signature ? If so what are some of your solutions besides voiding out the lease and generating another or printing…
Crashing in Lead to Lease
Hi everybody! I am checking to see if anyone else is having an issue with sitelink crashing in their lead to lease screen. Lately I cannot even complete a note in the screen without the whole software going down. Sitelink has not returned my support requests and this has been ongoing for several weeks. if you have found a…
Changing Default Subject Line in Email?
When sending out R-mail's or Email to Scheduled Auction Tenants, for example, the Subject line by default says "an important message..." but so do other Email Subject lines, like past due. I would like to customize the Subject line depending on the Content and not have to change it every time. I know I can change it in my…
Air Fresheners.
Good Day Everyone, Anyone have any good recommendations for air fresheners to use throughout their facility? The ones we use have been discontinued so I am now looking for a new and better kind. Thanks,
Anyone theme their marketing around current trends?
Been seeing a lot about this "area 51 raid" that's being planned as a joke so figured why not have some fun with it for our online ads.
Who has a Kiosks at your facility? What’s your thoughts about it and what kind of area are you located (big city, small town, etc..)
Reservations not pulling to Sitelink from Website ??
We are using Storedge as our current website provider. We have been receiving emails that we are getting reservations from our website, but they have stopped pulling through to Sitelink. Is anyone else having this issue?
Live Update
If I perform the live update and find there are true changes made, where do I verify all the changes that were made?
Notes- Copy/Paste Feature
I noticed in the Tenant Notes when you highlight and right click the only option is Paste. Anyone else notice this?
How do I set up MyHub ? My owner wants to be able to access Sitelink web edition from offsite.
Everyone in Cali okay?
California just had a few big earthquakes and I just wanted to check in on everyone in Cali
for a company as old as this one is and as big as it is it should have a ton more of support and fewer bugs in the system
CRM Training
Are there any tutorials on CRM? I think this is something we don't use enough at our facility. TIA
Disabling Auto-Payment After Processing.
Hello everyone, Is there anyway to disable auto-payment once it has been processed? For an example, someone is moving out August 18th and is on auto-payment. I want the card to process August's rent and then afterwards be disabled automatically. The reason for this is because some folks put their vacate notices way in…
Ontario, Canada Lien Laws in question
Hello, there have been some changes in the last few yeas to the laws in Ontario Canada. We are having some debate between our offices regarding the exact timing of issuing a Lien to a tenant in default as well as legally being able to seize the unit. Can anyone provide insight? The Repair and Storage Lien Act in Ontario is…
Has anybody ever reached a supervisor in this company ? i have left several messages for different supervisors no one has ever returned my call employees refuse to give out email or phone numbers . and of coursw they are never available at that time . no matter what time it is .suggestions welcome
Why is the collections screen so inadequate to complete the job?
Of all the areas the collections is the worst as far as accessing the tools i need to complete the tasks needed to collect. for example.....i can't do an overlock or lock out of gate because no ledger settings....many times i have to do that manually so i have to go back put to payment screen...also no tasks or…
how can i reach a supervisor from site link employees refuse to give a number or email i left several messages no one ever calls me back
Skagit Self Storage
We are a new business, can someone please tell me how you do your Past Due Calls? How often do you call? We are in Washington State. Thank You for you help.
Removing Walk in's
Does anyone know how to "walk back" the number of walk ins in sitelink? We accidentally added too many at close and now the system is showing us to be far too high.
Asst. Manager - Non Live on - Stockton/Modesto
Just throwing this out here in case anyone is or knows someone looking for a storage job in the Stockton/Modesto area. Sitelink software *duh :) * And budget truck rentals. Looking for someone for full time to provide relief to the 2 sites. If you or someone you know is interested please send a resume to jobs@klcoker.com
Hello and thank you for helping us. We would like to return to our current tenants the amount of their security deposit made when moving in.What is the exact path to get this done? Appreciated. Thanks a lot.
How do I add new units to existing system. We are adding additional units to existing units and I need to number them in system