Payments Not Recorded in SL- Update Check for duplicates!
I am losing what faith I had in this company. I am forced to switch to their payment processing this week. Oddly my payments wouldn't process yesterday and they said it was SBOA/Paya/Sage issue. Today all payments processed extremely slow and the screen would just hang up for minutes after. Here is the email I just got:…
Anyone using Storage Pug for their website?
We are thinking of going with a different vendor for our website. Does anyone use Storage Pug? If so, what is your impressions? Thanks
After update?
First card payment of the morning and received this: "6/13/2023 9:22 AM EB: Credit Card - The SiteLink payment transaction failed.SiteLink VOIDED the credit card transaction through the credit card processor so you must process the payment through SiteLink again.Cardholder: <tenant name removed>Amount: 116.00Reference:…
Reservation in Lead to Lease for existing tenant
Think I have posted about this issue before or contacted support about it. I was trying to reserve a unit for a current tenant that has multiple units. Her name doesn't pull up in search. I emailed support. While waiting for reply I did some tests and in Lead to Lease I can add a Lead or Reservation for current tenants…
How do I create a custom report?
Hi! I need to create a custom credit card report, the current one does not fit my needs. Is there a step by step process that I can use to create what I need? Thanks for any help.
Can we mandate when customers reserve online they must also purchase or supply a cylinder lock as we
We have customers that reserve a unit online. There is not a requirement for them to know they need a cylinder lock, as well as, insurance to get in their units. Can we create a section that makes them do this? We currently can get them to pay the administration fee.
Setup - my vendor isn't listed
When I use SiteLink Setup I notice that not all vendors are listed that can work with SiteLink. Is there a difference in capability between the companies shown in the setup tab and a company that is not shown?
Chatbot - Swivl with Sitelink
Has anyone added Swivl or other Chatbot app to their website and had it integrate with Sitelink/Storedge? Has it cut back on your workload. Is it a helpful add on?
Rate Increase set before tenant discount.
We are just discovering if a tenant qualifies for a discount in the month leading up to a rate increase, it does not calculate the discount when the rate increase begins. What can we do to catch this in advance? In other words, a tenant receives a rate increase letter that their rent is going up in June, they call me in…
Web Edition very slow on refreshing
One of the computers in our office is really slow when refreshing in the morning and during the day. What can be done about this? Computer runs fine in other applications, Excel, Office, Google, and so on. Can it be uninstalled and reinstalled to clear it out and start fresh? I am not sure if it would work with Web…
No Gate
Our Sitelink and PTI systems have not been communicating the last few days. I did a gate test in Sitelink and it stated there was "No Gate Enabled". How do I fix it?
Another map print question
How do I print a map of entire facility without it being zoomed all the way out? I know how to print “simple” view, and I know how to change it in my printer settings to enlarge size. Neither way shows entire facility in any detail.
CA facility folk, who is your State Fund broker?
We are looking at hiring another insurance company to handle our STATE FUND (workman's compensation). Do any California facility operators have any suggestions? Thank you.
Email invoices
I am trying to email invoices and they are not processing. I have logged out of sitelink, restarted the computer and logged out and back into our email. Nothing works. How can I fix this? Thanks
Sitleink Phone Intergration/Tele Tracker
I was at the new Orleans conference and spoke with a company that does this and texts but I can't remember their name. If you take advantage of this feature could you please let me know what company you use and what your thought are about them.
Sitelink and PTI not communicating
Our Sitelink and PTI systems have not been communicating the last few days. I did a gate test in Sitelink and it stated there was "No Gate Enabled". How do I fix it?
Hello everyone, I was wondering if there is a report for Auctioned Units that can be printed out in SiteLink? We have to get the information to the owner for 2021, 2022, and 2023. Your help is truly appreciated. Warm Regards, Kathleen
Why is it so hard to get to tier 2? Why even have 1?
Bad Debt & Credits vs Journal Entries Not Matching
When trying to match credits from Bad Debt Write Off, Credits Issued, to Journal Entries the numbers aren't matching. Is there a report that you can use for Accounting that is simpler to use?
myHub and Web edition Tenant Notes
We had an enquiry today from someone that one of our "Long-Time" employees remembered as being a trouble tenant. Per our usual policy, we looked them up in Web edition to review their previous notes to see if we wanted to take the risk of renting with them again. Their accounts (tenant has rented 3 units with us over the…
Rental Agreement
Good morning, How do I find a template rental agreement on Sitelink or is there one? I've emailed asking Sitelink last week however haven't yet heard back. We are on California. Thank you.
When will the gate be working correctly again. It will open and close, but it won't show who is going thru. They said it's a bug. It hasn't been working right for a few days.
SLOW data refresh
Anyone else notice huge delays in refreshing data after the last few updates? My site has two workstations, and I have a Surface that all were fine until recently. Now it's taking 10 minutes to refresh data instead of ten minutes. Literally. I've had it take even up to 15 minutes. Not great when in the middle of a lease.…
Rental Agreement Template with Keywords
I am trying to set up online rentals. Is there a template I can modify that has the keywords already inserted? Thanks Julie
Rental Agreement
Our facility will be needing rental agreements soon. Does Sitelink offer anything we could use?
AVS partial mismatch
I have tenants that have a partial mismatch with the zip not matching. We have only 7 zip codes for our City. I have changed it to every one of those zip codes and each one failed.
Entering Notes on an Account with Multiple Units
I did not see a better place to post this, so I am posting it here. (SL, if there is another forum category for asking technical minutiae-type questions like this, please let me know.) When entering notes on a customer's account that has multiple units, I generally want the note to be visible across the entire account no…
CC autobill update for multiple units
I have a tenant with multiple (2) units; they called and updated with new CC information, I took the call and updated with Myhub. Evidently, the new credit card information get put into the unit I called up, but not to the other unit that the customer rents?? My assumption would have been that since the two units are…
How do you get siteLink certification?
I want certificate that I am siteLink certified
Navigating Rate Changes
Hi Self-Storage Pros! Let's talk about revenue optimization and rent increases! It can be a bit nerve-wracking to tackle these topics, but this forum is all about helping you keep your businesses thriving. How do you approach rent increases at your facility? Any creative strategies or communication techniques that have…